Development and Social Progress

All human beings, regardless of race, sex, colour, language, country, ethnic origin, religion, familial or social standing, or ideological or other convictions, must have the right to live in freedom and dignity and contribute to society’s progress.

The international community’s common goals include the social progress and development of a society, which will enhance national efforts to increase living conditions through coordinated worldwide action. It has been agreed that the word social change refers to changes that influence the character and formation of social groups and institutions and the social connections between individuals, groups, and organisations in a society.

This article will discuss the various important factors related to society’s development and social progress.

What is Social Progress?

In the field of Philosophy, social change is defined as the change in the mechanisms present inside the social structures that are characterised by any change in the rules of behaviour of a society, cultural symbols, social organisations, etc. 

Social progress is often described as the potential of a large group society to match the basic needs of humans or the society’s citizens to build the foundations that allow communities and various citizens to sustain, upgrade and brighten the standard/quality of the way they live, and establish the basic conditions that are required and needed by all the individuals to reach their maximum capacity and give their best outputs in every field.

What is Social Development?

The term ‘development’ refers to formal and infrastructure reforms in an organism. Even if society is not a living body, the word given to such an organism has genuine applications in social concerns. Just as life evolves from a simple to a complex form, society evolves in the sense that its ‘energy’ collects collectively. This energy is ‘organised’ for functioning in a certain direction, and ‘harmony’ between the many social organs affects overall growth.

Social development includes a dedication to individual and social well-being and the ability of people to identify themselves and the needs of society and influential steps that affect society. In building economic efforts, social policy and social transformation involve the public’s concern.

The fundamental factors for social development and progress are as follows:


  1. The state’s principle in the internal affairs of non-interference.
  2. National independence is completely based on the self-determination of the people’s rights.
  3. Respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state or states.
  4. Co-operation, friendly relations, peace, and peaceful coexistence among states without the interference of the differences in their social, political systems and economic affairs.
  5. Permanent sovereignty of every nation before its natural resources and wealth.
  6. The responsibility and right of each state, as far as they are involved with people and every other nation, to freely determine their social development objectives, to set their objectives, and to make a decision regarding the methods and means of achieving them inconsistent with the norms of the United Nations Charter, without any external influence.
  7. Social development and progress must be based on the worth of the human person and respect for the dignity and the advancement of social fairness and human rights. 


Social development and progress requires the following factors:

  • Elimination of all forms of inequality.
  • Elimination of exploitation of peoples and individuals.
  • Elimination of colonialism and racism.
  • Elimination of anything that includes nazism.
  • Elimination of all other ideologies and policies that are opposed to the principles and purposes of the United Nations.
  • The complete utilisation of human resources.
  • Creative initiatives must be encouraged, keeping in mind the policies of the public opinions.
  • The provision of fair opportunities for the economic and social progress to underprivileged or excluded sections to build a successful, united, and integrated society.
  • The distribution of international/national information makes citizens aware of social progress and developments.
  • The active engagement of all sections of society, in groups or individually, in attaining and setting a common goal for the growth of the society while following the basic freedoms that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights establishes.
  • Planning for social growth and development as part of a well-balanced overall development strategy
  • The advancement of applied and basic social research, especially the comparison of the implementation of social development programs and international research concerned with the design.


It is essential to keep in mind that social change doesn’t happen until all the phases of the social change framework are completed. It is typical to see policy change solely in terms of getting policies/laws without considering the institutions and enforcement required to put these policies/laws into effect. If a policy or legislation is not implemented, it is not worth the document it is printed on. In reality, policy reform aims may be viewed as an intermediary goal, with change being the ultimate point that results in meaningful changes in society’s circumstances.