Descending Order

The term “descending order” refers to the process of ordering any data, such as numbers, alphabets, amounts, lengths, and so on, from the highest to the lowest. To put it another way, when we arrange items in a descending order from a higher value to a lower value, we are referring to them as being in descending sequence. Whole numbers, natural numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals, among other types of numbers, may be organised in descending order. 

Descending Order Symbol

The larger than sign, “>,” is used to indicate that numbers are being written in descending order. The open end will be directed toward the bigger number, while the pointed end will be directed toward the smaller number. Consider the following example: we want to organise the numbers 2, 4, 6, 1, 5, and 7 in descending order. Assuming we arrange these numbers in descending order, the symbol should be put in the following manner, with the open end towards the larger number: 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 2 > 1 In many instances, a comma will be used to separate integers in descending order, which is common in mathematic formulas. For example, the numbers 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, and 1. This is also a proper manner of describing the order of numbers from highest to lowest in a numerical sequence of numbers. 

Follow the following steps for arranging decimals in descending order:

When we say that we are ordering decimals in descending order, we are really ordering them in decreasing order, which means we start with the biggest decimals and then go on to the second largest decimal and so on; until we reach the smallest decimal, which is printed at the end of the list.

Step 1: We begin by comparing the Whole Number Parts of Decimals, and the decimal with the greatest whole number part is to be written first in the order in which they are presented. 

Step 2: Then we look for a decimal with a whole number part that is lower than the whole number part of the decimal we chose earlier in step 1, but greater than the whole number part of the other decimals we have found. 

Step 3: Afterwards, we look for a decimal whose whole number part is lower than the whole number part of the decimal picked earlier in step 2, but greater than the whole number part of the other decimals.

They are repeated in a similar fashion until we are left with just one decimal whose whole number portion is the lowest among all the supplied decimals, and it would be printed at the end of the descending order list.

descending order decimals examples – Let’s try arranging the following series of decimals in descending order:
181.98, 64.78, 345.75, 9.72, 0.05, 1.8

Solution: This is accomplished by the following steps:

Step 1: As an example, if we compare the Whole Number Part of Decimals and the decimal with the largest whole number part is to be written first in descending order, we get the following: 345 is the largest whole number part of decimal 345.75 from the given series, so it is written first in descending order: 345 is the largest whole number part of decimal 345.75 from the given series, so it is written first in descending order: 345.75

Descending Order = 345.75

Step 2: Afterwards, we search for a decimal whose whole number part is lower than the whole number part of the decimal picked earlier in step 1, but greater than the whole number part of the other decimals, and we get the following: 

The whole number portion of the decimal 181.98 is 181.
Furthermore, it is less than 345, which is the whole number portion of decimal 345.75, but greater than the whole number component of the other decimals (which is 345).

To illustrate this, the number 181.98 is written next to the number 345.75 in ascending sequence, resulting in the following series:

Descending Order Series = 345.75, 181.98

Step 3: Afterwards, we look for a decimal whose whole number part is lower than the whole number part of the decimal chosen earlier in step 2, but greater than the whole number part of the other decimals, and we obtain the following result: 

The whole number portion of the decimal 64.78 is 64.
In addition, it is less than the number 181, which is the whole number portion of the decimal 18.98, but it is more than the whole number part of the following decimals. 

As a result, 64.78 is written next to 181.98 in decreasing order, and we obtain the following series:

Descending Order Series = 345.75, 181.98, 64.78

Step 4: Once we’ve found an indeterminate number of decimals with whole number parts that are lower than those picked in step 3 but greater than those of the remaining decimals, we may deduce that the following result is correct: 

The whole number portion of the decimal 9.72 is 9.

In addition, it is less than the number 64, which is the whole number portion of the decimal 64.78, but it is greater than the whole number part of the following decimals. 

As a result, 9.72 is written next to 64.78 in decreasing order, and we obtain the following series:
Descending Order Series = 345.75, 181.98, 64.78, 9.72

Step 5: Afterwards, we look for a decimal whose whole number part is lower than the whole number part of the decimal chosen earlier in step 4, but greater than the whole number part of the other decimals, and we obtain the following result: 

The whole number component of the decimal 1.8 is represented by the number 1.
In addition, it is less than the number 9, which represents the whole number component of the decimal 9.72, but greater than the whole number part of the subsequent decimals. 

As a result, 1.8 is written next to 9.72 in decreasing order, and we obtain the following series:
Descending Order Series = 345.75, 181.98, 64.78, 9.72, 1.8

Step 6: At the end of the day, we are left with just one decimal, whose whole number part is by far the smallest of all the whole number parts of all of the other decimals, and it would be put in the final position of the order as follows: 

Decimal 0.05 has a whole number part of zero and is the lowest whole number part of all the given decimals. As a result of this, 0.05 would be printed at the conclusion of the descending sequence, and we would obtain the following series in its entirety: 0.
Order Series in Descending Order = 345.75, 181.98, 64.78, 9.72, 1.8, 0.05. 


Using the place value of decimal numbers, the digits of decimal numbers are organised in decreasing order by looking at them from left to right from left to right. First, we’ll take a look at the whole number component. Whenever the digits in the whole number section of two or more numbers are the same, we look at the digit in the tenths place of the number (i.e., the first digit to the right of the decimal point). After checking if the digit in the tenths place is likewise identical, we go on to checking the digit in the hundredths place, and so on.