Cretinism Meaning and Definition

Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome is the current name of cretinism, which is a result of a dietary iodine deficient diet during pregnancy. This gives rise to a situation of insufficient thyroid hormone, which is known as Hypothyroidism. This is one of the causes of an underactive thyroid function at the time of birth, and it is known as congenital Hypothyroidism; in case of an absence of proper treatment results in the impairment of both physical and mental development and thus, stalls all-round growth of the person. 

Thus, in the simplest of words, cretinism meaning and definition is that is the former name of a serious medical condition known as Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, which occurs as a result of insufficient thyroid hormone which is known as Hypothyroidism, which is, in turn, caused by the lack of dietary iodine in the diet during pregnancy. It has a very large number of very distinct symptoms, and all of such information shall be discussed in detail in this article.

History of the condition

The history of the condition can be traced back to a long time ago, all over Europe, at various times. Goiter was the most significant symptom of cretinism and was an occurrence of direct or indirect deficiency of intake of dietary iodine. Other diseases which occurred were pellagra, beriberi, scurvy, rickets, and also endemic goiter, which occurred as a result of the lack of iodine. Goiter frequently occurred in various different parts of southern Europe, around the Alps, and this disease and its symptoms were often described by the writers and painters of those regions. 

A region that was particularly affected was the Savoy region of Spain. The people most affected were peasants and farmers of the poorer classes in the small towns and villages, and since the real scientific reason for this disease was not known at that time, it was said that it was due to the “bad” and “stagnant” air of the mountains. Those that were affected were generally physically or mentally impaired and had delayed or incomplete growth. There also existed areas in Europe and America that were only mildly affected, and these were known as “goiter belts.”

It was only much later, that is, in 1848, that King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia, Spain, first ordered the medical and epidemiological study of the disease of cretinism and, thus, the disease brought in by the lack of dietary iodine was first researched and studied.

Major symptoms of cretinism

Cretinism has a very long list of very visible symptoms, and they are as follows. 

  • The first and foremost symptom is the occurrence of goiter.
  • The thickening of the skin.
  • Poor growth in length in infants.
  • Loss of hair.
  • Enlargement of the tongue.
  • The protuberance of the abdomen.
  • Delayed bone maturation in children.
  • Delayed onset of puberty in children.
  • Reduction in adult stature.
  • Impediment of ovulation.
  • Infertility in adults.

Mental deterioration is very common, and this is again one of the biggest symptoms of cretinism. Muscle tone and coordination also decrease, and this also results in neurological damage. The person affected will have slowed thoughts and reflexes, and cognitive abilities may also suffer highly in some cases. All over, the occurrence of goiter or cretinism affects the body in a large number of ways and causes severe harm.

The main cause of cretinism around the world

As mentioned before, the main reason for the occurrence of cretinism around the world is the lack of dietary iodine in the diet during pregnancy, which causes Hypothyroidism, which in turn causes Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome. It can also be caused by Congenital reasons such as thyroid dysgenesis and ectopic thyroid gland. Iodine is a very crucial trace element that is found in different edible items and is required by the out body to maintain proper health. 

And thus, in case of its deficiency, that is, lack of iodine, various problems start to occur, and one of the most well-known diseases is cretinism. It is mainly found in the oceans and soil, and vegetables and other such food items obtain iodine from such sources. In various parts of the world, the concentration of iodine in the soil or water is less and such parts of the world are more exposed to the dangers of cretinism due to the lack of iodine in their diets.

Congenital Hypothyroidism

Congenital Hypothyroidism is a kind of cretinism meaning and definition that it is the complete or the partial loss of functionality of the thyroid gland of the body. In some cases, it may be genetic, but in most cases, it is caused by the lack of iodine. The lack of iodine in the diet of the mother also affects the fetus in her womb. The thyroid gland is located in the neck and is shaped like a butterfly, and the main purpose of this gland is to create iodine-containing hormones. 

Prevention and treatment

Various different organizations and governments of the world have carried out iodine administration campaigns so that the proper levels of iodine reach the population and prevent diseases that occur as a result of iodine deficiency. Congenital iodine deficiency has been eliminated in most of the developed countries of the world by the proper administration of iodine, thanks to various iodine administration campaigns. Newborn screening has also been done to detect iodine deficiency and treat it accordingly. The treatment is the administration of the entire thyroxine life. 


Cretinism is a disorder that develops as a result of hypothyroidism. Cretinism is primarily caused by a lack of iodine in the mother’s diet during pregnancy. Mental impairment and stunted growth are common outcomes of hypothyroidism in the developing foetus, as well as in the mother.