A function connects an input to a result. However, not all input values and output values must work. Consider a function that only works with positive numbers or only returns natural numbers. The phrases domain, range, and codomain are used to more precisely explain the types and values of a function’s input and output.

It’s frequently difficult to tell the difference between codomain and range because both terms can indicate the same thing. Nonetheless, we can tell the difference between range and codomain.


The codomain or set of destinations of a function in mathematics is the set into which all of the function’s output is obliged to fall. In the notation f: X ->Y, it is the set Y. The term range is sometimes used interchangeably to refer to a function’s codomain or image.

A codomain is a portion of a function f if f is defined as a triple (X, Y, G), with X being the domain, Y being the codomain, and G being the graph. The image of f is the set of all elements of the form f(x), where x ranges over the elements of the domain X. Because a function’s image is a subset of its codomain, it may or may not correspond to it. In other words, a non surjective function has elements y in its codomain for which the equation f(x) = y has no solution.


As we know that the term “range” has a variety of meanings .When the word “range” is used in older literature, it usually refers to what is currently known as the codomain. If modern literature use the phrase “range” at all, it usually refers to what is now known as the picture.

The range of f, sometimes abbreviated as ran (f) or Range (f), can refer to the codomain or the target set Y (i.e., the set into which all of f’s output is restricted to fall) or to f(X), the image of f’s domain under f. (i.e., the subset of Y consisting of all actual outputs of f). A function’s image is always a subset of the function’s codomain.

The range is the set of values that actually come out, whereas the codomain is the set of all conceivable values that can come out as a result. Here you can also learn about the relationship between domain and range.


Consider the function f(x) = x² in real analysis as an illustration of the two different applications (that is, as the function that inputs a real number and gives output as its square). The set of real numbers R is the codomain in this example, but the set of non-negative real numbers R+ is the image. If x is genuine, x² will never be negative. If “range” is used to refer to the codomain, it refers to R, and if it is used to refer to the image, it refers to R+.


It is simply known as a codomain is a set of values that includes range as well as a set of additional values. Understanding the various definitions is crucial since it aids in the clarification of the distinctions between them.

When it comes to determining the function’s output, Codomain and Range usually serve the same purpose.Some of the difference are given below:-

  • The range is the set of values that actually come out, whereas the codomain is the set of all conceivable values that can come out as a result. 
  • The codomain of a function consists of the range of the function as well as a few other values, whereas range is defined as the codomain’s subset.
  • Codomain confines a function’s output but range is completely ambiguous and can be used interchangeably with Codomain.
  • Codomain refers to the range of values that could result from it whereas range refers to the final, definitive collection of values that may emerge as a result of it.
  • Codomain refers to a function’s definition whereas range is the function’s image.
  • It’s not always the case that the domain, codomain, and range are all the same. It may be equivalent in some circumstances.
  • The codomain’s range is a subset of it. The provided function’s denominator can never be 0.


A codomain is a collection of alternative values for a dependent variable. This means that the codomain of the provided function is the set of all possible values for ‘y’ in the function f. A codomain is a collection of related photos.

All elements from set B that have a comparable pre-image in set A are included in the range. As a result, a range can alternatively be defined as the collection of all potential function values obtained by varying the value of x in the function f.

The Codomain is the range of values that could emerge. The Codomain is an integral aspect of the function’s specification. The Range, on the other hand, is the set of values that really appear.