Characteristics of Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a process in which sperm from a male parent fertilizes an egg from a female parent, resulting in a child who is genetically distinct from both parents. The entire reproduction process is extremely important since it helps to prevent extinction of a species and ensures its survival in future generations. The main feature or reason for life on Earth can also be expressed as the process of reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction

The process by which the parent reproduces another individual (offspring), usually of the same species, is known as reproduction. It is one of the characteristics that distinguishes a living entity. And by sexual, we mean reproduction in which two parents’ genetic material is combined in order to make offspring. When two haploid gametes combine, genetically separate diploid children are produced.

Types of Sexual Reproduction

The fusion of haploid sex cells that results in the production of a diploid zygote is known as syngamy. Syngamy is, in essence, the process of fertilisation. In multicellular sexual populations, including humans, it is the most prevalent type of reproduction.

Conjugation differs from syngamy in that it involves two organisms forming a brief fusion (for example, via a cytoplasmic bridge) in order to exchange micro nuclear material. Single-celled creatures, such as bacteria, protozoans, and single-celled fungus, exhibit this. Conjugation is a transient fusion of two cells, whereas syngamy is a permanent union of two cells.

Sexual Reproduction in Single Celled organism

Conjugation is used in single-celled organisms like bacteria to reproduce sexually. It occurs when two bacterial cells combine transiently to transfer genetic material from the donor cell to the recipient cell via the donor cell’s plasmid. The plasmid can be independent or attached to a chromosome.

Bacterial conjugation is necessary for bacteria to survive. It is through it that they will be able to obtain a gene that will help them survive. For example, the acquired gene could have a unique trait that allows the recipient cell to thrive in a potentially damaging environment.

It could also be a gene that allows the recipient to use a novel metabolite. Antibiotic resistance can also be passed from one bacterial cell to another through this technique. In protozoans, conjugation is the process by which two protozoans, such as ciliates, form a brief fusion to exchange micro nuclear material before splitting apart and becoming fertilised cells. This is similar to what happens in other single-celled species. In some algae and fungi, a male gamete combines with a female gamete, resulting in the nuclei of both gametes joining together and the development of a zygote.

Stages of Sexual Reproduction


Pre fertilisation is a stage prior to fertilisation in which two processes take place: gamete production and gamete transfer. The male gamete, which is sperm, and the female gamete, which is the egg, are both participating in this stage. The male gamete is moved to the female gamete for fertilisation because the female gamete is immobile.


The haploid of male and female gametes are fused together to form a zygote during fertilization, which is the second stage in the process of sexual reproduction. Syngamy of fertilisation is the term for this procedure. Fertilisation can take either outside or inside the body, which is why it’s also known as external and internal fertilisation.


The zygote divides and transforms into an embryo after fertilisation and the formation of a zygote; the complete process of zygote development into an embryo is known as embryogenesis. The body’s cells differentiate and modify themselves accordingly during embryogenesis, and the zygote’s development is dependent on the offspring and its life cycle.

Viviparous animals give birth, thus the zygote develops inside their bodies. Oviparous animals lay eggs, and the zygote develops outside their bodies. In angiosperms or flowering plants, the zygote develops into the ovary, which then develops into the fruit, while the ovules develop into seeds.

Characteristics of Sexual Reproduction

  • With the help of gametes, it takes place.
  • It comes from both parents.
  • It’s a more time-consuming way to reproduce.
  • In sexual reproduction, variations occur.
  • It’s crucial for the progression of the species.
  • Higher organisms are more likely than prokaryotes to have it.


We’ve learned that sexual reproduction is the most important activity in an organism, as it leads to variation in offspring and aids in species evolution. Sexual reproduction is used by humans and animals such as dogs and cats. Furthermore, the children born through asexual reproduction are genetically identical to their parents. 

We also learned that sexual reproduction is superior to asexual reproduction after reading about the stages of sexual reproduction, such as fertilization, pre-fertilization, and post-fertilization.