Characteristics of Coordinate Covalent Bond

Understanding chemical bonding is considered the most basic and crucial knowledge when studying the subject of chemistry as a whole. In this, we shall discuss some essential sub-topics in chemical bonding to know how it works.

When we talk about studying chemical bonding in chemistry, we need to understand some methods/topics to get the gist of it. 

Chemical Bonding

Chemical bonding is the attraction between atoms that results in a chemical bond. The bond between two atoms is what causes a molecule to be a substance, and without a chemical bond, a molecule would not be a substance. A chemical bond is a strong interaction that exists between two or more atoms. The bond holds the atoms together and gives them a strong enough attraction to each other to allow them to be separated. This separation is also known as diffusion, and the atoms can then be moved around or changed into different chemical compounds. 

The bond between the atoms is what gives a substance its chemical properties. The strength of a material, the ability to resist breaking, is determined by its chemical bonds. These bonds are what hold the molecules of material together and determine the strength and hardness of a material. Specifically, the strength of a material is determined by the number of covalent bonds it contains, the strength of these bonds, and the distance between them. The more covalent bonds a material contains, the stronger it is. 

Types of Chemical Bonding

There are five major types of chemical bonds in chemistry, which includes;

    • Ionic bond 
    • Covalent bond
  • Coordinate bond
  • Metallic bond 
  • Hydrogen bond

With the help of these bonds, the constituents like atoms and molecules can obtain a stable electronic configuration, i.e., octet configuration.

In this article, we will talk about the Characteristics Of Coordinate Covalent Bond.

What is a Coordinate bond?

Coordinate bonds are bonds formed between objects or features with coordinates. Coordinates are specified by a set of numbers that indicate the location of an object or feature in a 2D or 3D space. The coordinates of an object or feature can be thought of as its position or location on a coordinate plane or grid. The position or location of one object or feature on the coordinate plane or grid can be represented by a pair of coordinates.

They are an integral part of chemistry and the key to understanding the structure of matter, as well as its interactions with light and many other aspects of the chemical world.

Coordinate bonds are bonds with two or more covalent bonds. Their name derives from the fact that they have either one covalent bond or several covalent bonds that share a common coordinate. The most common coordinate bond in organic chemistry is a single bond between a carbon atom and a nonmetal atom, such as a hydrogen atom.

The bonds in an atom are called coordinate bonds (or covalent bonds) because they are formed by a single pair of electrons. This type of bond is a directional bond, where the electrons that form the bond are located on two different atomic nuclei.

An example of a coordinate bond is the relationship between a hydrogen ion and an electron pair between hydrogen and the ammonia molecule when the ammonium ion is formed by the transfer of a proton ion to the pair of electrons in the ammonium molecule.

Bonded Coordinates or dative bonds are defined as σ-bonding interaction between the electronegative atom (σ is the Pauli exclusion principle) and the π-electron system of an aromatic ring. Dative bonds are present in compound molecules like acetylene and sulphur dioxide.

Characteristics Of Coordinate Covalent Bond

  1. They have lower boiling and melting point than ionic compounds.
  2. When electrons share, they do so in a definite direction, and thus, they are directional bonds.
  3. Coordinate bonding is weaker than Ionic bonding.
  4. Some of these compounds can be described as having isomerism.

Coordinate Bond Examples

  1. Ammonium ion: In ammonia, the nitrogen atom gives its electron pair to the empty orbital of the H+, thus nitrogen is the donor, and H+ is the acceptor. A coordinate bond is formed between NH3 and H+
  2. Hydronium ion: Hydronium ion is a chemical compound with the molecular formula H3O+. It is a colourless gas at room temperature but is often encountered as the salt (an acid [H+] cation) hydroxide, OH-, also known as hydroxide anion. Hydronium ion is the ionic form of hydrogen, which is the most common form of the element on Earth. When a chemical loses its water, it becomes a hydronium ion.
  3. Ammonia Boron Trifluoride: Ammonia boron trifluoride (H3N→BF3 ) is a colourless to white gas at room temperature and pressure. It is one of the most reactive non-fluorine compounds known and is corrosive to most materials. It is a potent greenhouse gas and is also an extremely powerful oxidiser and explosive. Ammonia boron trifluoride is used primarily as a cleaning and degreasing agent and in manufacturing other chemicals.


Coordinate bonds are present in chemical reactions such as those found in the formation of acids, bases, and salts. These bonds are formed when a metal atom has a formal charge in tetrahedral coordination surrounding it. The metal atom is at the centre of coordination. The metals are usually the same metals as their neighbours in other chemical bonds, but this is not always the case.