
Buoyancy consists of two components: buoyant force and upthrust

It is frequently noted that when we are swimming, our bodies feel light, and that when we are drawing water from a well, the bucket feels lighter whether it is partially or completely submerged in the water. The reason for this is that our bodies are subjected to forces that are directed downward, or in the opposite direction of the gravitational pull, when we are in motion. As a result, the person’s weight decreases. The fact that the plastic balls float on the surface of the water rather than sinking in the water is due to this property of the material.

The upward force exerted by a fluid opposes the downward force exerted by the weight of an item that is submerged in the fluid. In any fluid, the pressure at the bottom of an item submerged in it is always larger than the pressure at its top. The difference in fluid pressure results in a net upward force acting on the object as a result of the difference in fluid pressure. Buoyancy is the term used to describe this upward force. Understanding density and relativity are required in order to comprehend the concept of buoyancy in its fullest sense.

The density of a substance is defined as the amount of mass contained within a unit volume of material. The density of a substance is a measurement of how tightly packed the matter has been packed.

Density = Mass/Volume=M/V 

The S.I unit of density is the kilogram, whereas the C.G.S (Centimeter-Gram-Second) unit of density is the gram.

The relative density of a substance is explained as the ratio between the density of the substance and  density of water. The specific gravity of a substance is explained as the ratio between the  density of the substance and the density of water.

The relative density is determined in the following ways:

Density of a substance divided by the density of water is known as relative density.

The relative density of a substance is the ratio of a substance with similar quantities; as a result, there is no unit for relative density.

The buoyant force is measured in Newtons (N), which is the standard unit of measurement.

For example, when a body is submerged in water, a certain amount of water is displaced in the water as a result of the body’s weight. This amount of water is determined based on the density of a thing, which is also related to the volume of the object in question.

The place at which the force is exerted to the object is referred to as the centre of buoyancy.

Floating Force/Upthrust:

The Buoyant Force or Upthrust is defined as the upward force exerted by an object when the object is partially or completely submerged in a fluid. When a body is partially or completely submerged in fluid, the buoyant force causes it to appear lighter.

When the density of an object is larger than the density of the fluid in which it is submerged, the object has a tendency to sink. While an object will float if it has a density that is lower than the density of the liquid in which it is submerged, the object will sink if it has a density that is greater than that of the liquid it is submerged in. Therefore, if the relative density of an object is less than 1, the object will float in water; conversely, if the relative density of a thing is greater than 1, the object will sink.

The Buoyant Force Formula consists of the following steps:

Buoyant = V⍴ g = V ⍴ g

The density of the displaced fluid multiplied by the volume of the displaced fluid is represented by the symbol ⍴Vg in this formula. Because the density ⍴ = m/V, the value of m is equal to ⍴V. Based on this, we can deduce that ⍴Vf represents the mass of the displaced fluid.

We can also substitute m for ⍴Vf in this equation.

As a result, Buoyant = m⍴g

It is vital to note that the buoyant force is dependent on two factors:

  1. The density of the fluid in which it is submersed.
  2. The amount of space/volume  Taken by the body.

The buoyant force can be used in a number of different ways. The following are some examples of applications:


Water can enter the submarine through the ballast tank when the submarine is submerged in water, causing it to weigh more than the buoyant force of the water.

A hot air balloon 

The hot air balloon is raised and floats thanks to the buoyant force it generates. The object is buoyant due to the buoyant force exerted by the air in the atmosphere. When the weight of the hot air balloon is more than the buoyant force, the hot air balloon will begin to drop. When the buoyant force and the weight of the hot air balloon are equal, the hot air balloon becomes stable.


Because of the hollow-like construction of a ship, the overall density of a ship is less than the density of the seawater around it. Its weight is equivalent to the volume of water that has been displaced by the ship. In order to keep the ship afloat, a significant amount of buoyant force must be used.


Swimming in water is made possible by the Archimedes Principle, which is used by the majority of fish. During this process, the fish moves up and down in the water, allowing gases to accumulate in its air sac or swim bladder. They become lighter in weight as a result of the gases that escape from their bodies. This assists the fish in rising to the surface of the water.

Listed below are the parameters that influence buoyancy:

  1. Fluids Volume it is placed in.
  2. Fluids Density.

Gravitational acceleration 

The buoyancy and buoyant force of an immersed object are unaffected by the mass and density of the submerged object, which are both constant. The buoyant force is not affected by the overall depth of the object submerged in water. The buoyant force will be unaffected by the greater depth of the water body in any way. When an object is lowered or raised in the fluid, the pressure at the top and bottom of the object will increase and drop at the same rate. As a result, even when the object is submerged further into the fluid, the buoyant force remains constant. When determining the buoyant force of an object, it is necessary to know the weight of the displaced fluid.

Weight of the fluid displaced by an object = The buoyant force exerted by an object

When an object is submerged in a fluid, it is critical to understand the buoyancy and buoyant force in order to calculate and predict whether the object will sink or float.


So to conclude the buoyancy, we can say When you place an object inside a liquid, it is pushed upwards by the liquid. As a result, an object inside a liquid experiences buoyancy, which is a force directed straight upwards in the opposite direction of gravity. Furthermore, when an object is placed into a liquid, it can occupy one of three positions:

  • Float on the liquid’s surface
  • Half submerged in liquid
  • Sink to the liquid’s bottom