There are approximately ten thousand species of Aves in the world, which inhabit nearly all of the planet’s habitats. Aves, or birds, can construct a nest, display courtship behaviour, engage in territorial behaviour, and provide parental care to their young. They are available in a wide range of sizes, tend to range from a few centimetres (bee hummingbird) to several metres (hummingbird) (Ostrich).
Living species of the Aves class are able to adapt quickly to their surroundings, which allows them to survive and reproduce in a variety of environments. The flying ability of Aves has been enhanced as a result of changes made to the bird’s anatomy. Some organs, for example, are missing in order to minimise the poundage of the bird while it is flying.
The development of a wing is the most effective adaptation mechanism in birds, and it is used in conjunction with other modifications that enhance flying ability. It had the same aerodynamic efficiency as such an aeroplane, the bird’s wing allowing it to take to the air and fly. A few birds have evolved to be able to swim, and all these birds reside in an aquatic environment.
It is a class of birds classified under the taxonomic classification Aves. The class is a member of the phylum Chordata (chordates). Some of their characteristics include oviparous reproduction, full dual circulation, wings (modified front limbs), feathers, and a beak devoid of teeth, among other things (except for some Mesozoic fossil birds that have conical teeth in both jaws).Some of the examples of aves are hummingbirds, nightjars, tropicbirds, kagu, loons, albatrosses, penguins, storks, cormorants, pelicans, herons, vultures, hawks, owls, quetzals, hornbills, kingfishers.
Examples of Aves Birds
Here some examples of aves birds are given below:
- The ostrich is a member of the order Struthioniformes.
- Rhea americana is a species of the order Rheiformes native to the North Island. Brown Apterygiformes is a family of birds that includes the kiwi.
- Penguins of the Spheniseiformes family are a type of penguin.
- Stellata is a member of the Gaviiformes order.
- The Turkey Vulture is a member of the order Ciconiiformes.
- White-headed Ducks belonging to the Anseriformes order
- The peregrine falcon is a member of the Falconiformes order.
- Piciformes are a family of birds that includes the Pied Puffbird.
Characteristics and Features of Aves
In the class of Aves, there are members who have a number of unique characteristics and features of parts of the body that differentiate them from other species, such as the following:
- Their bipedal feathered nature is one of the most noticeable characteristics of the Aves class. Birds’ forelimbs have developed into wings, which aid them in their flight capabilities.
- Swimming, walking, and other activities are made easier by the fact that their back-limbs have transformed into legs. Birds have four toes on each of their four legs for the majority of the time. It is also rare to see more than up to three toes at a time.
- Aves are warm-blooded creatures that have a homeothermic body heat. Consequently, also when flying at high altitudes, birds can maintain a stable body temperature.
- The uropygial gland and the oil gland are the only skin glands found in birds. In the vicinity of the tail is this gland located. These creatures’ jaws have been transformed into beaks, and they are devoid of all tooth structure.
- Birds can graze in a variety of ways with the help of their beaks, including tearing meat, smashing seeds, quaffing nectar, and other activities.
Classification of Aves
Aves are classified according to their morphology.Aves can be divided into two groups. And here’s the Aves classification in the order of appearance:
Aves members with quite a long tail surrounded in fur and a toothed beak, archaeornithes are representatives of the class Aves. These individuals are no longer alive. Birds from the Jurassic period dominate the collection, which contains mostly extinct primitive fossils. Three claws were present in their forelimbs, and they all had an elongated shape that resembled a reptile’s.
Their eyes and brains were both small. Because they possessed non-pneumatic bones, they were less able to fly. It is only the Archaeopterygiformes family that belongs to the Archaeornithes subclass. Individuals belonging to this order possessed long tails with just a tapered point at the tip. Aspects of their physical appearance included their fairly large heads with huge eyes and powerful jaws with sharp teeth. Each of their three forelimbs had a claw on it. For example Archaeopteryx.
In addition to Neornithes, which includes species with short tails and toothless jaws, there is also a subclass called Neornithes.
Different orders exist within each of these subclasses, and each order’s members are classified as per the special characters that they possess.
The Neornithes are a subclass of birds that includes the majority of birds that are currently alive. The subclass of Neornithes contains approximately thousands of alive species of birds that are known to exist throughout the world, including those in the United States.
Several extinct species are included in this subclass because it first appeared during the Mesozoic era.Forelimbs of the Neornithes species are used to create wings. There is significant development in their sternum. Extinct species, on the other hand, had teeth in their jaws. Examples of neornithes are duck, penguin, etc.
Birds are classified under the genus Aves (avens). Clade Ornithurine is the name of this species. In the animal kingdom, the phylum Chordata includes roughly 10,000 species all of which have one thing in common: they are all adapted to fly. Aves is a subphylum of the phylum Chordata and is a part of the phylum Chordata of the animal world. The species classified as Aves exhibit parental care, courtship, territorial behaviour, and nest-building behaviours, among other behaviours. Neornithes are a subclass of the Aves that includes birds with long lizard-like tails and toothed beaks. Archaeornithes are a subclass of the Aves that includes birds with long lizard-like tails and toothed beaks (which is now extinct) and Neornithes (which includes birds with short lizard-like tails and toothed beaks).