The practice of cultivation of the soil, production of crops, and raising livestock by the application of the knowledge of science and art is referred to as agriculture. It also involves the marketing and preparation of the products formed through it. This process involves the use of various machines, manures, and fertilizers for proper cultivation. In simple words, agriculture is a form of art of growing crops to fulfill the requirements of all living organisms. The major products of agriculture are cereals, fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, meat, etc.
Types of Agriculture
Agriculture plays a huge role in providing the basic requirements of living organisms. It is considered to be grouped into three main types, they are as follows,
- Arable farming: Arable farming refers to the type of crop production that is known for the production of a large range of annual crops. In simple words, the germination to seed production, that is the complete crop cycle occurs within one year. The major crop produced using arable farming is grain crops including wheat, maize, barley, rice, millet, etc, fiber crops including jute, cotton, flex, crops with underground parts like potato, radish, etc.
- Pastoral farming: Pastoral farming is the type of farming known for raising livestock instead of crops. It includes raising cattle, dairy farming, raising sheep, etc. Pastoral farming can be categorized by geography, management system, ecology, and species.
- Mixed farming: The type of farming that involves crop production and rearing of livestock together on the same piece of land is referred to as mixed farming. It is considered a method of sustainable agriculture. For instance, a single land is growing cereals like wheat and maize and is also rearing cattle and poultry.
Steps of Agriculture: Crop Production
The process of agriculture, especially crop production is very complex. It consists of several steps which result in the formation of desired crops. The steps are as follows,
- Soil preparation: Soil preparation is the first step of the process of agriculture. As plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil with the help of their roots, it becomes important to let the soil undergo various preparation steps to have a healthy yield. This step involves,
- Ploughing: The process of loosening the soil is considered ploughing. It is also referred to as tilling. This step is required to let the roots of the plants submerge or penetrate the soil deeply to let the plants stand firmly. It also helps in proper air supply to the roots. Another advantage is that it brings nutrient-rich soil to the top layer.
- Leveling: After ploughing, it is essential to prevent the washing away of the top layer of soil by wind or rain. Thus, the soil is leveled to ensure that it is firmly held. It is also responsible for the uniform distribution of water during irrigation.
- Manuring: Manuring is an important step to increase the fertility of the soil before sowing the seeds. It is usually done before plowing for better incorporation.
- Sowing: Sowing is known as the second step of agriculture or crop production. It is the process of planting high-quality and healthy seeds in the soil. This can either be done by hand or by drills. Seeds should also be sown deeply in the soil and not just scattered on the ground.
- Manuring: Manuring is again done to ensure the proper growth of healthy plants. During this process, nutrient supplements like organics and rotten waste are added to the soil. It can also be done by adding fertilizers under periodic intervals which works for the same purpose. Although, natural manure is better as it is usually contamination free.
- Irrigation: Irrigation is the fourth step of agriculture. It refers to the introduction of water to the crop fields. Water is very essential for the growth of all kinds of plants, thus irrigation is a very important step. It is essential to monitor the amount of water used and the frequency at which the process occurs. The water sources are usually lakes, dams, rainwater, ponds, etc.
- Weeding: Weeding refers to the removal of unwanted crops like carrot grass, wild violet, etc. It is essential to prevent the nutrients and moisture from getting absorbed by these crops. This process takes place with the help of weedicides.
- Harvesting: The process of cutting and removal of the crop after it has been fully developed is referred to as harvesting. These crops are cut by hand or by harvesting machines.
- Storage: After all the above procedures, it is important to store the crop in favorable environmental conditions to prevent any spoilage and contamination. It involves cleaning, drying, and another process to improve crop quality.
Agriculture is the process that is responsible for fulfilling the food and nutrient requirements of nearly all individuals. There are particularly three types of agriculture that have their benefits. Crop production, being the major part of agriculture, consists of several steps to give healthy products. All these processes require proper environmental conditions for the growth and cultivation of these crops.