Addition of Hydrogen

Addition reaction is an organic reaction in which two or more molecules merge to generate a bigger one.

An elimination reaction is the polar opposite of an addition reaction. Dehydration, for example, reverses the hydration of an alkene to alcohol.

However, because a double or triple bond is frequently broken to generate the requisite single bonds, only chemical compounds with multiple bond characters can react differently. A decomposition reaction occurs when one reactant splits two or more products into multiple products. The reaction is the polar opposite of a combination reaction. In a decomposition reaction, the atom gets replaced by an atom of a different element. A chemical equation will be used to depict the chemical process.

CH3CH = CH2 + HCl → CH3C+HCH3 + Cl → CH3CHClCH3

The two fundamental types of polar addition processes are electrophilic and nucleophilic addition. Non-polar addition processes include free-radical addition and cycloadditions. Additional procedures, known as addition polymerisation, can be included in polymerisations.

Electrophilic addition

An electrophilic addition reaction involves breaking a bond and generating two new bonds. Electrophilic reactions occur when atoms share electrons.

Nucleophilic addition

A nucleophilic addition reaction is a chemical process involving replacing a hydrogen atom with another element. In this case, a double bond is replaced by a single bond.

Addition Reaction of Hydrogen 

The addition of hydrogen to a substance in a reaction is hydrogenation.

Hydrogenation is the process of the addition of hydrogen to a carbon-carbon double bond. The reductive elimination of the double bond functional group is the overall result of such an addition. Regioselectivity is not a concern because each of the double bond carbons is linked to the same group (a hydrogen atom). Although molecular hydrogen (H2) is the simplest source of two hydrogen atoms, combining alkenes with hydrogen produces no apparent reaction. Although the entire hydrogenation reaction is exothermic, it is prevented under normal conditions due to a large activation energy. This constraint can be overcome by using a catalyst.

Alkenes are formed when alkanes react with hydrogen in the presence of catalysts such as Pt/Pd/Ni. Alkenes are generated when hydrogen reacts with alkenes to create alkanes. Most reactions result in converting a triple bond to a double bond, which is ultimately transformed to a covalent bond due to the addition reaction with hydrogen.

Addition Reaction

 In the rhodium, nickel, palladium, and platinum, the accelerator is involved. Hydrogenation is a multi-step process that starts with the formation of an alkene. After that, it is hydrogenated again to make an alkane.

Slowing down the reaction in the interim phase is nearly difficult due to the smoothness of the entire reaction. However, some hydrocarbons are separated using poisoned catalysts. The Lindlar catalyst is an example of a poisonous catalyst.

Anti addition occurs when hydrogen atoms approach alkene molecules from opposite directions. When double-bond isomerisation happens faster than the catalytic addition of the second hydrogen in the hydrogenation, anti addition is most likely to occur.


Hydrogenation is the process of adding hydrogen to a material in a reaction.

The addition of hydrogen to a carbon-carbon double bond is known as hydrogenation. The overall outcome of such an addition is the reductive removal of the double bond functional group.