A Brief note on the Removal Procedure

This article includes the Procedure for Removal of Governor in the Indian Constitution. Impeachment is defined as the act of questioning something’s integrity or legitimacy. The word impeachment refers to the Procedure for removing a person from all of the powers and obligations that the post requires. Impeachment is the term used to describe the complete process of removing someone from office. It generally refers to the President, judicial judges, and other constitutional officers. Impeachment refers to a misbehaving claim leveled against a country’s public official with a federal presidential constitutional republic government. In this, we will also discuss the Removal of the governor article.

Governors may be impeached.

Procedures for the Removal of the Governor in the Indian Constitution are discussed below.

The Governor’s tenure is generally five years. However, it may be terminated sooner if:

  1. Dismissal by the President, who occupies an office at the leisure of the President (typically on the suggestion of the country’s prime minister). The Procedure for removing a governor in the Indian constitution office without cause is impossible. However, it is the President’s responsibility to remove a Governor whose actions are illegal and malaise by the courts
  2. The Governor’s resignation

More about Removal of governor articles

While the President is subject to impeachment, there are no such measures here. A State Constitution Committee headed by Sardar Patel recommended in its reports that each province’s Governor is elected directly by the members of the legislature and be removed from office if he or she engages in misconduct. At the same time, renowned legal luminaries drafted the draught articles of the Constitution. Accordingly, the Constituent Assembly passed Article 155, which says that the President shall nominate a state’s Governor using a warrant under his signature and seal. Article 156 states that he will serve at the discretion of the President. Five years after taking office, the Governor is reelected for another term. Removal of governor articles is also part of the Constitution.

The pleasure of the President

  • If the Governor commits a misdemeanor, dereliction of duty, or misuse of authority, he cannot be dismissed or impeached under our Constitution. Despite this, the Governors have been sacked under Article 156 (1), which provides that the Governor should serve at the discretion of the President. As a result of the President’s happiness, the political party in power is also happy. Is it possible for a civilised government to fire a Governor elected by the President for five years without providing him with a reasonable chance to respond to the Union government’s demands, at least under the concept of natural justice? According to the administration’s rationale, the Removal of the four governors was supported by ideology, historical actions, and an evaluation of the government’s expectations. The Home Minister’s statement reaffirms Congress’s well-known political culture and practices.
  • As a result of Congress’s control in both the States and at the federal level, there was no rift between the states and the federal government over the appointment of governors. After the 1967 general elections, the political landscape shifted dramatically. Despite having a majority of members in the lower house of parliament, Congress was voted out in many states. There was only one constitutional institution open to Congress to supervise non-Congress State governments, and that was the Governor’s office. After then, the Governors took on a far more important role.
  • With the support of the Governors, the party in control at the federal level mercilessly removed the state administrations under Article 356. Any writ petition filed against the misuse of authority under Article 356 before 1977 was rejected by the Supreme Court because the dismissal of a State government was a political problem that the judiciary could not address. After the Supreme Court’s momentous decision in Bommai’s case in 1994, it altered its mind and stopped the misuse of power.

It is time for another supreme court intervention, just as Article 356(1), which deals with “the pleasure of the President,” was placed on hold when the apex court intervened to halt the arbitrary exercise of authority. removal of governor article is also mentioned in the Constitution


This article has discussed the Procedure for Removal of the Governor in the Indian Constitution, Removal of government in India, and Removal of the Governor’s Article. The Governor’s term is five years. However, it may be terminated sooner.

If the Governor executes a misdemeanor, negligence of duty, or misuse of authority, he cannot be dismissed or impeached under our Constitution. Instead of this, the Governors have been sacked under Article 156 (1), which says that the Governor should operate at the discretion of the President. As an outcome of the President’s happiness, the political party in control is also happy.