Formal Letters

What are formal letters ?

Formal letter is one written in an official tone and language, following a specific arrangement. Such letters are composed to meet business purposes of industrialists, specialists, dignitaries, editors, faculties, business-partners, seniors, and so forth. These are not intended for friends, companions or family. Let us now learn the rules and technicalities of a formal letter.

What is the format of formal letters in english?

As referenced before, a formal letter in english should adhere to specific guidelines and shows. Such a configuration helps in handing-off the data in an expert way. It should be recollected that there are different organisations for formal letters that individuals may follow. The one clarified here is the one generally used for formal correspondence nowadays.

Source’s Address

The source’s location is normally placed on the upper right-hand side of the page. The location should be finished and exact in the event that the beneficiary of the letter looks forward to contact the shipper for additional correspondence.


The shipper’s location is trailed by the date just beneath it, for example on the right half of the page. This date is the one on which the letter is being composed. It is significant in conventional letters as they are arranged in a record.

Recipient’s Address

After leaving space we put down the recipient’s location on the left hand corner of the page. Regardless of whether to state “To” over the location relies upon the author’s inclination. Ensure you compose the authority’s salutations and so forth of the collector, as the beginning line of the location.


This is the place where you welcome the individual you are writing it to. Remember that it’s a proper letter, so the hello should be deferential and not excessively private. The overall good tidings utilised in conventional letters are respectable “Sir” or “Ma’am”. Assuming that you have an idea of the name of the individual, the greeting may likewise be “Mr PCO” or “Ms. SMI”. However, you can’t address them exclusively with the first name. It should be the complete name or just the last name.


Followed by the salutation or address comes the line of subject of such communication. The focal point of the line composes of ‘Subject” trailed by a colon. Then, at that point, we summarise the reason for composing the letter in a single line. This assists the beneficiary regarding the matter of the letter at one look.

Prime content of the Letter

This part bears the principle communication of the letter. It is either partitioned into three different paragraphs or two different paragraphs assuming the communication is brief. The purpose of the letter ought to be clarified in the principal passage itself. The writing of the substance should be completely formal. Try not to use any fancy language. One more point to remember is that the letter ought to be succinct and direct. What’s more, be conscious and thoughtful in the way you put forward your communication, regardless the primary topic of your letter.

Ending the letter

Toward the end of the letter, use words “Faithfully” or “Sincerely” on the right half of letter. By and large, we utilise the later.


Here you have to pur your signature. And afterward compose your salutation in Capital letters underneath the mark. This is the manner by which the beneficiary will realise who is posting the letter.

Types of formal letters in English 

There are different types of formal letters to suit various purposes. Other than business letters, there are a few kinds of formal letters that are valuable for correspondence at work and in your own life. Consider the models underneath for formal letter types:

  • Enquiry letter: You compose an enquiry letter when you need to have clarification for an item, administration or occasion.
  • Request letter: Order letters are for putting orders for new labour and products from an organisation.
  • Acknowledgment /Rejection letter: Acceptance/ Rejection letters are for affirming/refusing acknowledgment of a task, an abdication or an honour.
  • Letter of objection: This kind of formal letter is to communicate problem or disappointment with labour and products.
  • Conciliatory sentiment letter: You compose an expression of remorse to apologise for an error.
  • Introductory letter: You generally compose a conventional letter to go with your CV . An introductory letter traces your capabilities and supplements your application.
  • Direct mail advertisement: A direct mail advertisement advances an organisation’s item or administration and incorporates a source of inspiration.
  • Advancement letter: Similar to direct mail advertisements, these letters illuminate clients about new items and updates.
  • Making a case letter: If you are discontent with an item or administration, you may send a letter to the maker to demand a discount.