Radioactive Caesium Technology to measure Soil Erosion

When natural agents like wind or water remove the soil particles gradually it deteriorates the quality of specific land. This indirectly reduces the water retention capacity of the soil. This natural phenomenon is defined as soil erosion. This is a major threat that is getting aggravated due to the negligence of humans. Soil erosion destroys the fertility of the land. In history, we have witnessed the destruction of many civilizations that occurred due to loss of soil fertility. This condition is the inevitable result of soil erosion.

Measurement of Soil Erosion by applying Cesium Technology

The Indian researchers have come up with a technique to keep a check on soil erosion and reduce the amount of carbon present in soil by finding a relation with deposits of radioactive cesium. These researchers belong to ICAR, the soil, and water regulatory and conservation body stationed at Dehradun. They found a probable relation of carbon content with cesium as the levels of carbon determine which isotope of cesium is prevalent in the soil. Different soil samples were examined and the varying concentration of cesium suggested different degrees of degradation. The Gamma spectroscopy technique is used to measure cesium content.

Advantages of the Cesium Technique

  • Radioactive cesium can be detected in soil with the help of a rapid test executed by gamma spectroscopy.
  • This technique helps to assess soil health in severely intensive agricultural plots. It is one of the most economical measures to check soil erosion.
  • This technique can even classify the category of soil erosion such as carbon erosion, long-term erosion, historic erosion, etc. 
  • This method is implemented to monitor the consequences that are followed by soil erosion.

The Most Economic Measures to check Soil Erosion 

We have picked up some different methods of soil conservation that require minimum investment but prove to be beneficial in checking soil erosion for the long term.

  • Planting Crops: This technique incorporates plants that are characterized by deep roots. These roots strongly bind the soil particles. It is an effective measure that can be adopted in areas like hill slopes, riverbanks, and other similar sites that are prone to erosion. The stems above the soil hinder the flow of water and slow down its passage above the ground which is necessary to restrict the soil from washing off. Grasses and woody perennials are evergreen options for checking soil erosion.
  • Contour farming: In hilly slopes, farmers often plant across the sloppy regions maintaining contour lines. This has proved to be an innovative yet productive measure to check soil erosion. Apart from checking erosion, the native people can also save rainwater by implementing this process.
  • Using mulches: The application of mulch materials to cover soil is one of the most economic measures to check soil erosion. This has been a compulsory step for farmers in the early stages of cultivation when seeds are sown. Organic mulches hold back the moisture and cool down the soil temperature while wood mulches are used in gardens to protect the grasses from animals and other hazards.
  • Restricting grazing: Proper pasture management techniques are implemented to restrict the grazing of different livestock species. Concepts like rotational grazing are new and have proved to help manage the threats that cause soil erosion.
  • Matting process: This procedure is utilized to check erosion of the top layer of soil in small spaces like residential yards. Mats are put on the soil surface which helps to retain the minerals and moisture. Also, they are affordable and made of eco-friendly items like coconut fibers and straws. The mats are to be replaced at regular intervals.
  • No-till farming: This is a remedy to the problems arising from tillage cultivation. Crop residues are left behind on the soil surface in this type of farming which helps to maintain the soil’s original characteristics. No-till farming enhances the water retention capacity which indirectly contributes to a lesser degree of soil erosion.
  • Doing optimum watering: This is also a key measure that must be included in the list as it does not only require any extra funds but also saves the wastage of water and contributes towards soil and water conservation. Too much watering washes away the soil’s topmost layer thus wise cultivators invest in a good drip irrigation model. This system provides small quantities of water to the plants throughout the day. Also, underground drip pipelines are there which can be used to directly water the roots.


Soil erosion definition is given as the removal of soil particles by the action of natural agents like wind and water. Various cost-effective methods have been devised that help us to control soil erosion. The soil must be conserved as it forms the basis of growing crops that is necessary for the survival of the race.