Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021

Benjamin List and David MacMillan have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 for their work in asymmetric organocatalysis. Asymmetric synthesis aims to make just one mirror-image form of a given molecule, vital in developing medicines and new technological materials. According to the development of organocatalysis, small chiral organic molecules may act as catalysts in such reactions. Nature Portfolio has assembled a collection of research, review, and opinion pieces that focus on the topic’s origins, development, and future directions in honour of this prize.”This catalytic notion is as simple as it is smart,” comments Nobel Committee for Chemistry Chair Johan Qvist. “A lot of people have asked why we didn’t think of it before.”

Nobel Prize

  • The Nobel prize is the most famous prize given to those who work for the greatest benefit to humankind
  • A Nobel laureate has received the Nobel Prize in physics, chemistry, medicine or physiology, literature, economics, and harmony
  • It’s widely considered one of the most distinguished distinctions in these fields
  • For example, the Nobel Prize in Physics is known by the name of the discipline. The Nobel Peace Prize is the name given to the Nobel Prize for Peace, awarded to those who have made significant contributions to peace
  • Nobel laureates are sometimes referred to as Nobelists. However, this is an uncommon occurrence. There were thirteen laureates when talking about the Nobel Prize 2021

In 2021, the thirteen laureates were:

For Physiology or Medicine in 2021,

Sir. David Julius and Sir. Ardem Patapoutian

For Physics in 2021,

Sir. Syukuro Manabe, Sir. Klaus Hasselmann and Sir. Giorgio Parisi

For Chemistry in 2021,

Sir. Benjamin List and Sir. David W.C. MacMillan

For Literature in 2021

Sir. Abdulrazak Gurnah

For Peace in 2021

Miss Maria Ressa and Sir.Dmitry Muratov

For Economic science in 2021

Sir.David Card, Sir. Sir.Joshua D Angrist, and Sir. Guido W Imbens

These thirteen laureates are among the 950 laureates of Nobel prize history. These Nobelists have engaged themselves in experiments and research of the greatest benefit to humankind.

Nobel Prize Winners 2021

Nobel Prize 2021 in Physics:

Sir. Ukuro Manabe, Sir. Klaus Hassel Mann, and Sir. This year, Giorgio Paris will be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (2021) for its exceptional contributions to our understanding of complex physical systems. For scientific modelling of Earth’s climate, characterisation of variability, and credible global warming estimates, Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hassel Mann earned half of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2021. In appreciation of his work on the interaction of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems of all sizes, from the atomic to the planetary, Giorgio Parisi has been awarded half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2021. 

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021:

Benjamin List and David W.C. Macmillan will receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2021 for “the discovery of asymmetric Organocatalytic.” Benjamin List was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1968. Scottish-born chemist David William Cross Macmillan FRS FRSE

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine:

In 2021, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was given to David Julius and Ardem Patpoutian 2021 for “discovering temperature and touch receptors,” which is regarded as one of  the greatest benefits to humankind.

Nobel Prize in Peace 2021:

The Nobel Prize for Peace has been given to two journalists, Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, for the year 2021. There are journalists from Russia, the Philippines, and Russia present. They were honoured for their efforts to safeguard freedom of speech in the face of hardship.

According to Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairperson of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, both journalists were recognised “for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace,” according to Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairperson of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Interesting  Facts About Nobel Prize (1901 – 2021):

  • From 1901 to 2019, 950 Nobel Laureates received 597 Nobel Prizes
  • Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Laureate ever, was just 17 years old when she got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014
  • The average age of all Nobel laureates in all prize categories was 60 years between 1901 and 2017
  • Alfred Nobel left most of his assets to a fund that would invest in “safe securities,” totalling roughly SEK 31 million (about SEK 1,702 million today)
  • John B. Goodenough, who is 97 years old, is the oldest laureate of the 2019 Chemistry Award


    Benjamin List and David MacMillan developed organocatalysis, a novel and inventive method for molecule synthesis. In many research disciplines and businesses, chemists’ ability to synthesise molecules that can generate elastic and durable materials, store energy in batteries, or prevent disease progression is crucial. This work necessitates the use of catalysts. According to the researchers, there were just two types of catalysts available: metals and enzymes. A catalyst is an element that increases the rate of a process without being consumed. Nobel Prizes are often regarded as the highest accolades granted in their respective fields. Once a year, award ceremonies are held. Each winner receives a gold medal, a diploma, and a monetary award (known as a “laureate”).