Functions of the Executive

Executives are one of the most critical bodies of any administrative system. When it comes to public administration, we can consider the executive as a powerful organ of the system or the government. There are various functions of an executive which can be increased with the increment of the welfare state. We can also consider the function of the executive as the function of the state because the executive mainly performs the completion of these functions. In many places, we find that executives connect with the government, which makes the executives’ roles and responsibilities stronger.

What is an executive?

An executive is a person responsible for all the critical functions, who holds the political power and is a public servant responsible for executing any law or running any sub administrative body. 

An executive can also be the chief of any government department, responsible for the formulation of policies and laws, and has the power to supervise the procedures where any law and policies are being implemented.

  • The political executive

The head of the state, political leaders, head of any executive department are examples of the political executive. Alternatively, we can also think of them as the elected representative of the people. These executives are responsible for making decisions and implementing them before the public. Usually, the tenure of these executives is for five years. Since they have a fixed term in work, we can call them temporary executives.

  • Non-political executive

People who are civil servants can be called non-political executives. This type of executive includes civil servants from the lower to a higher level. We can find these executives in government departments. The people do not elect them, so we can call them politically neutral.

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Functions of executive 

There are a variety of functions that an executive performs. Some of these mains functions are listed below:

  • Appointment making function 

This function can be considered as the function of the chief executive. In this function, the chief executive appoints junior executives. An example of this function is the president of India, who appoints the prime minister of India, where the appointment is based on appointees’ ability to command confidence in Lok sabha.

  • Implementation of laws

This function is one of the primary functions of an executive. This function forces the executive to enforce laws on the people. The political executive is responsible for making and approving laws and policies, and non-political executives are responsible for implementing approved laws before the people. Also, non-political executives are responsible for maintaining the implemented laws.

  • Treaty making functions 

This function implies that the executives are responsible for deciding which treatise can be signed with other states. They are also capable of negotiating the treaties that are needed to be in accordance with the laws of states. 

  • Defence war and peace functions

This is one of the critical functions where executives decide how to defend and preserve the integrity and unity of the country or how to protect the country from external war or aggression. The executive needs to define proper strategies by utilising the resources like military so that country can defend or prepare to fight the war. Also, if the chances are available, executives need to think, negotiate and sign the peace settlement before or after any war.

  •  Foreign policy and relation making 

Executives are required to formulate policies so that the country can have a better relationship with foreign countries. The executive can formulate the country’s foreign policies and then apply them for executing the defined goals. Such goals need to be of national interest. 

  • The function relating to law-making 

The legislature primarily approves laws, but the executive plays a crucial role from the formulation to piloting any new law done by the executive where legislature takes part only in approval. Chief executives are part of the legislature and play different roles in law-making.

  • Financial function 

Executive takes part in exercising the financial functions. They are responsible for preparing the budget. After preparing the budget, the legislature takes part in optimising them, and the legislature has the power to perform changes on them. The executive formulates the ways and ideas through which money can be spent or collected.

  • Semi judicial functions 

In most democratic systems, the executive appointing judges after consultation and discussions is one of the best methods to secure the independence of the judiciary. In many systems, the chief executive acquires the power of appointing judges. Also, the chief executive acquires the power to grant pardon, reprieve, and amnesty to criminals.

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In any public administration, the executive can be defined as a person that is responsible for implying many functions and solving many problems that mainly aim to the betterment of the country, nation, or state. A variety of functions needs to be performed by an executive. If performed well, all these functions can lead a nation to emergence. A nation always gets many benefits if its executives perform these functions very well.