Training and human resource development is a well-designed program with various methods designed for professionals in a particular job. Training and development in human resource management have become constants and must-haves in any industry for updating the skills and knowledge of its employees. Therefore, training and human resource development have become essential in bringing about cost-effectiveness in an industry. Moreover, if the human resource is skilled and updated, it helps the organisation improve its efficiency and productivity. One of the ways to provide training to the upcoming talent in the industry is with the help of the current and experienced employees of the company.
Objectives of training and development
What is human resource training and development? It is a rudimentary question that needs to be answered before understanding the objectives of training and human resource development.
The training and development of the human resource is a function of the human resource management department that helps them polish the skills and performance of an employee. Therefore, the department is known by many names, such as training and development in human resource management, employee development, etc. The prime objective of the training and human resource development department in a company is as follows:
Individual objectives
The human resource department has the responsibility to ensure that the employees are driven towards achieving their personal goals, as this can help them immensely contribute to the company’s growth.
Organisational objectives
One of the important responsibilities for the training and human resource development department in an organisation is to make sure that the employees are motivated enough to achieve both their organisational and personal goals.
Functional objectives
Another responsibility of the human resource development department of the company is to make sure that the employees work at a level that is suitable to the organisation’s needs.
Societal objectives
Whether directly or indirectly, one of the objectives of an organisation established is towards the betterment of society. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the human resource development department in the company to make sure that the employees are ethically and socially responsible for the needs of society.
Crucial human resource skills to train for:
Every training and human resource development department will be structured differently based on the needs of a particular business. Thus, as a result, it can be difficult for a company to follow a set pattern for human resource development.
Apart from providing general training to the employees, it becomes essential for the human resource department to provide specific training. Therefore, the HR teams in the industry must have the right set of HR training courses that can help the individuals improve their skill set.
Some of the essential skills that a human resource department in a company should focus on teaching are as follows:
Employee relations
HR is not only about being a people person. Employee relations are an important aspect of being a good HR. The HR is responsible for providing knowledge on simple benefits-related questions to complex culture-related questions. Moreover, HR is also responsible for the smooth functioning of the company and creating a safe workplace.
Onboarding of employees
One of the penalties experienced by a company is the cost of a bad hire. The bad hire is generally linked to the recruitment process; however, onboarding plays an important role. An HR professional who can create winning onboarding processes and can get new hires who are productive will be highly valued by the company.
Workplace collaboration
Teamwork plays an important part in the success of a company. The training and human resource development department is not only responsible for the collective working of the employee, but it is also responsible for making sure that the employees get an environment that ensures that they work collectively.
Project/Time management
For training and development in human resource management to be efficient, time management is an important parameter. The HR department in any industry is responsible for creating projects which are innovative and efficient for the workplace. These projects formulated by the HR department should focus on employee relations, onboarding, recruiting, etc.
Human resource software
Technology has found its influence in every sector of the industry, and the human resource field is not far from adopting it. The effectiveness of human resources is also dependent on tech integration. Thus, expertise in the usage of these tools comes with experience.
Different pieces of training that an HR department can provide:
There are several types of training that can be provided by the training and human resource development department in the industry. Some kinds of training that the HR department provides are as follows:
Technical or technology training
Technical training is meant to equip the employees with knowledge and understanding of the technological aspects of the job. In the retail field, this sort of training might include teaching an employee about how to use the computer system, which can help them contact a customer. Meanwhile, if the trainee is a salesperson, the training might include the use of CRM software for addressing the target audience.
Quality training
Quality training addresses familiarising employees with the means to prevent, detect, and eliminate non-quality items involved in the production of a service. This type of training is extremely valuable in an environment where product quality plays an important role in putting the company ahead of the competition in the market.
Skills training
The third type of training provided by the HR department in the company is related to skills. Skills training is one of the most important training programs organised by the HR department. Because the world of technology is continuously changing, it becomes necessary for a person to have the latest skills for being highly productive.
An HR department in a company can provide employees with several types of training and development programs. However, the structure and the content of the programs depend on the work an employee will do when they join a particular job. To become a good HR personnel, it is important for a person to have a clear idea about what human resource training and development is. Moreover, they should also be well aware of the objectives of human resource training and development. Because if they have clarity about the objectives, they can create a plan for teaching the important skills accordingly. Thus, HR needs to be creative and flexible in its approach.