

  • Lightning is no more a mystery. It’s a sudden and short term phenomenon. Lightning is the direct and utmost backlash of global warming and change in climate. It requires close monitoring and proactive collective action to decrease its adverse impacts
  • Lightning is a high-energy radiant electrical discharge from a thundercloud to the ground along with the  thunder. Lightning is a very fast and enormous discharge of electricity in the atmosphere. Some of it is directed towards the Earth
  • It is the result of the difference in electrical charge between the top and bottom of a cloud. The clouds which produce lightning generally have a height about 10-12 km, with their base about 1-2 km from the Earth’s surface
    • Cloud to Ground Lightning: Lightning taking place between opposite charges in a cloud and on the ground
    • In-Cloud Lightning: Lightning that occurs within a thunderstorm between the  opposite charges

Lightning in India:

  • In India, every year more than 2500 people die due to lightning (Annual Report, NCRB)
  • Eight states of North East, which comprise 2.4% of the geographical area of India with 3.86% of the national population, come under the most severe lightning rod zone
  • Lightning is a major cause of electrical power breakdowns, and forest fires
  • It can cause damage to communication and computer equipment, and aircrafts

NDMA guidelines to prevent loss of life due to lightning

  • Mapping of major lightning affected zones. It can be done on the basis of availability of data of numbers of lightning incidence, deaths occurred and injured persons data
  • Sharing of data between different agencies for preparation of mitigation plans
  • Lightning strike warning system that would inform people of the forthcoming disaster
  • Structural protection measures like Lightening Shields for buildings and other structures
  • Promote installations of high grade lightning arresters and Doppler Radars at subsidized rates by the government
  • Improved wiring with trip-boxes and good earthing
  • Educating and creating mass awareness on how to safely respond to lightning storms
  • Use of social media to effectively deliver the warnings
  • The focus on Lightning protection and awareness is the need of the hour. 100% Safety can be assured with installation of Lightning protection devices only
  • Essence of 100% safety from Lightning is possible only on installation of standard Lightning protection devices. Ex: Lightning Safe Grid at Babadham Deoghar and Lightning safe Cyclone Shelters of Odisha. Results have been very evident as Odisha had zero lightning casualties during Cyclone Fani


Lightning is one of the major problems of this world and now it is no longer a mystery. It’s a sudden and short term phenomenon. Lightning is the direct and utmost backlash of global warming and change in climate. Lightning is a high energy radiant electrical discharge from a thundercloud to the ground. Lightning has adverse impacts in some states of India like Maharashtra where the highest number of deaths are recorded in India. Every year more than 2500 people die due to lightning because of this NDMA has given some guidelines to be followed like installation of a lightning strike warning system that would inform people beforehand, improved wiring with trip boxes and good earthing. The focus on Lightning protection and awareness is the need of the hour. ‘Lightning Resilient India Campaign’ 2019-2021 is a joint initiative and has support from many Central and State Government Departments, academia, INGOs, Local NGOs, media and communities with an aim to reduce death by  lightning to 80% in the next 3 years