Energy stored in a capacitor

The UC power is stored in the capacitor electrostatic power and is related to charging Q and voltage V between the capacitor plates. A charged capacitor stores energy in the electric field between its plates. As the capacitor is charged, the electric field increases. From the definition of electrical energy as energy per unit, one would expect that the energy stored in this suitable capacitor could be just a QV. That is to say, all the work done in charging from moving one plate to another will appear as stored energy. But in reality, the above statement indicates that only part of that function appears to be the energy stored in the capacitor. With limited resistance, one can show that half the power supplied by a battery charging capacitor is dissipated as heat in the resistor, regardless of the size of the resistor.


Many of us have seen dramas in which medical personnel use a defibrillator to transfer electrical energy from a patient’s heart to a normal rhythm.  Usually logically detailed, the person using the shock directs the other person to “make 400 joules for this.” The power delivered by the defibrillator is stored in the capacitor and can be adjusted to suit the situation. SI units are now often rented. Not surprisingly, the use of capacitors in microelectronics, such as certain hand-held countertops, to provide power when batteries are charged. Capacitors are also used to power bright lights on cameras.

In an electrical calculator the memory is stored using large capacitors that store energy when the batteries are charged.

The energy stored in a capacitor is a strong electrical potential, and is thus related to the Q and voltage V in the capacitor. We must be careful when using the potential voltage ΔPE = qΔV in a capacitor. Keep in mind that ΔPE potential power charging q exceeds voltage ΔV. But a capacitor starts at zero voltage and gradually comes to its full voltage as it is charged. The initial charge placed on the capacitor meets a change in voltage ΔV = 0, as the capacitor has a zero voltage if not charged. The final charge placed on the capacitor meets ΔV = V, as the capacitor now has its full voltage V in it. Normal voltage in the capacitor during the charging process


Power stored in a capacitor can be expressed in three ways:

Ecap= QV/2 =CV2 /2  = Q2  /2C

where Q is charged, V is voltage, and C is capacitor energy. Power in joules by charging in coulombs, voltage in volts, and power in farads.

In a defibrillator, the delivery of a large charge with a short burst of a set of paddles on a person’s chest can be a savior. A person’s heartbeat may develop at the onset of a rapid, abnormal heartbeat or ventricular fibrillation. Excessive use of electrical shock can eliminate arrhythmia and allow the body pacemaker to resume normal patterns. Today it is common for ambulances to carry a defibrillator, which uses an electrocardiogram to analyze a patient’s heartbeat pattern. Automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) are available in most public areas (Figure 2). These are for use by the general public. The machine automatically detects the patient’s heart condition and uses shocks with appropriate intensity and frequency. CPR is recommended in most cases before using the AED.

Capacitor Energy Applications

The following are a few applications of capacitor power:

A defibrillator used to correct abnormal heart rhythm brings a large amount of short burst to a person’s heart. Excessive electrical shock can stop arrhythmia and allow the body’s natural pacemaker to resume its normal rhythm. The defibrillator uses the energy stored in the capacitor.

Audio equipment, uninterrupted power supplies, camera light, dynamic loads such as magnetic coils and lasers use energy stored in capacitors.

Super capacitors are able to store a large amount of energy and can offer new technological opportunities.


There are many applications that use capacitors as power sources. They are used in sound equipment, uninterrupted power supplies, camera light, fast loads such as magnetic coils and lasers and more. Recently, there have been some successes with ultracapacitors, also called double-layer capacitors or supercapacitors, with very high power, reaching over 2kF. Such capacitors can save large amounts of energy and provide new technological opportunities, especially in areas such as electric vehicles, redesigns in the automotive and industrial power engines, computer memory storage during power loss and much more.


Different types of capacitors follow –

Electrolytic Capacitor.

Mica Capacitor.

Paper Capacitor.

Film Capacitor.

Non-Polarized Capacitor.

Ceramic Capacitor.


The UC power stored in the capacitor is a strong electrostatic force and is thus related to the Q and voltage V between the plates of the capacitor. A charged capacitor stores energy in the electric field between its plates. As the capacitor is charged, the electric field increases. When a charged capacitor is disconnected from the battery, its power resides in the space between its plates.

Capacitors are power saving devices in the form of electric chargers collected on their plates. When a capacitor is connected to a power source, it collects the energy that can be released when the capacitor is disconnected from the charging source, and in this case resembles batteries. The difference is that the battery uses electrochemical processes to store energy, while the capacitor simply keeps charging. Therefore, capacitors are able to release energy stored at a much higher value than batteries, because chemical processes require more time to occur.