Continuous Random Variable

There are two types of random variables: continuous random variables and discrete random variables. A random variable is a variable whose value is dependent on all conceivable experimental results. A discrete random variable is defined at an exact value, whereas a continuous random variable is defined throughout a range of values.

Define Continuous Random Variable

A random variable that can take on an endless number of possible values is a continuous random variable. As a result, the likelihood that a continuous random variable would acquire an exact value is 0. The cumulative distribution function and probability density function are utilised to characterise a continuous random variable.

An Example of a Continuous Random Variable

Suppose that the probability density function of a continuous random variable, X, is defined by 4×3, where x is a real number between 0 and 1. The chance that X assumes a value between 1/2 and 1 must be calculated. It is possible to accomplish this by integrating 4×3 between 1/2 and 1. Therefore, the necessary probability is 15/16.

Formulas for Continuous Random Variables

Probabilities associated with a continuous random variable are characterised by the probability density function (pdf) and the cumulative distribution function (CDF). The following are the formulas for these functions’ continuous random variables.

Continuous Random Variable (CRV)

The probability density function of a continuous random variable is a function that gives the probability that the random variable’s value will fall inside a given range. Given that X is the continuous random variable, the pdf formula, f(x), is as follows:

The cumulative distribution function is f(x) = dF(x)/dx = F'(x), where F(x) is the cumulative distribution function.

For a crv a continuous random variable to be legitimate:

  • ∫−∞∞f(x)dx=1. This signifies that the total area beneath the graph of the PDF must equal 1.

  • f(x)  > 0. This indicates that a continuous random variable’s probability density function cannot be negative.

CDF of Continuous Random Variable

Integration of the probability density function yields the cumulative distribution function of a continuous random variable. It is the likelihood that the random variable X will take on a value that is less than or equal to x. Below is the formula for the cumulative distribution function of a continuous random variable evaluated between two points a and b:

P(a < X ≤ b) = F(b) – F(a) = ∫ba f(x)dx

Types of Continuous Random Variables

Continuous random variables are typically employed to model scenarios involving measurements. For instance, the probable temperature values on any given day. As the temperature could be any real number inside a certain interval, a continuous random variable is necessary to characterise it.

Uniform Random Variable

A uniform random variable is a continuous random variable used to describe a uniform distribution. This distribution depicts occurrences with equal probabilities of occurring.

Normal Random Variable

A normal random variable is a continuous random variable that is used to represent a normal distribution.

Exponential Random Variable

Exponential distributions are continuous probability distributions that represent processes in which a particular number of events occur continuously at a constant average rate, 00. Consequently, a random variable that describes such a distribution is known as an exponential random variable. The pdf file is presented as follows:

f(x) = λe−λx

Notes on the Continuous Random Variable

  • A continuous random variable is a variable used to model continuous data whose value falls within a range of possible values.

  • f(x) = dF(x)/dx = F’ is the probability density function of a continuous random variable (x).

  • Examples of continuous random variables are the uniform random variable, the exponential random variable, the normal random variable, and the standard normal random variable.

Continuous Random Variable Examples

The variables listed below are examples of continuous random variables:

  • The time it takes for a truck driver to travel from Mumbai to Delhi

  • The drilling depth of oil wells.

  • The weight of a truck at a truck-weighing station

  • The volume of water contained in a 12-ounce bottle.

If the variable is X for each of these, then x must be greater than zero and less than some maximum value, but it can take on any value within this range.


A random variable that can take on any one of an unlimited number of possible values is said to be continuous. In most cases, measurements constitute continuous random variables. A continuous random variable does not have predetermined values at which it is defined. Continuous random variables are what are utilised to describe things like height, weight, and time, amongst other dimensions. The region beneath a density curve is a representation of continuous random variables.