Alpha Decay Example

Radioactive decay is the process of decomposition of the atomic nuclei, which are in unstable form and get converted into the stable form of the atomic nuclei with the emission of high energy particles in the form of energy. This type of decay process is a first-order process with a statistically random order in which the conversion of mass into energy will take place. It is a form of the statistical process. In this disintegration process, the radioactive species will be depicted based on their half-life. In this chemical reaction, millions of times of energy will be liberated in the form of exothermic energy per nucleus of unit’s electron volts (eV) and million electron volt (MeV). There are three types of radioactive decay, which are shown as:

1. Alpha decay process

2. Beta-decay process

3. Gamma decay process

Law of Radioactive decay

The law of Radioactive decay states that the probabilistic decay rate of the nucleus per unit of time will be constant, and that constant is known as the decay constant, which has the symbol of ‘lambda’. Such constant proportionality gets varied from the different nuclei of the atoms, which further influences the decay rates. It has been studied that this radioactive disintegration process is a random process at different levels of atoms with different energy levels as per the quantum theory.

Alpha decay

The alpha decay process is one of the radioactive processes in which the present fixed number of protons and neutrons got changed through the disintegration of unstable nuclei to its stable form of the atom. In simple terms, the Alpha decay process is a process where the unstable nucleus of an atom gets converted into the stable form of another atom while ejecting two protons and two neutrons in the form of energy. As the ejecting particle is an Alpha particle, hence this process is termed as Alpha decay process. The ejected alpha particle is a positively charged helium atom having an atomic number is 2, and a mass number is 4. These alpha particles originate from the alpha decay process and have a larger mass, due to which they aren’t able to pass through solid surfaces but can travel long in the air.

Real-life application of ALPHA DECAY

The alpha decay process promotes varieties of practical applications in real life due to the emission of alpha particles in the chemical reaction. Some of the real-life applications of the Alpha decay process are shown below:

1. Smoke detectors

2. Production of nature’s Helium 

3. X-Ray spectroscopy by alpha particles

4. Medical equipment

5. Power source in spacecraft

6. Stations having remote sensation

7. Heating devices

In this given article, Smoke detectors will be discussed as the prime concern of this article in the upcoming section.

Smoke detectors

One of the most important real-life applications of the alpha decay process is Smoke detectors. Smoke detectors typically make use of a radioactive element known as americium-241 for its working. These detectors are installed in the buildings as an alarm for the detection of smoke occurring due to any accidental outcomes. The entire circuit system of the smoke detectors internally comprises a battery, charged plates (precisely two), a circuit that is used for detection, and a mechanism installed for the alarming process. The circuit of smoke detectors is connected in the association of one terminal of the battery with the positive plate of the smoke detector, and the other terminal of the battery is connected to the current. The current detector is in connection with the alarm section. Now the alarm system is further connected with the negative plate of the smoke detector. For the functioning of the smoke detector, Americium-241 is placed in between the plates of the smoke detectors for the alpha decay process. Alpha particles that emerge from the alpha decay process will help to ionise the present air molecules in the surrounding environment. Once the movement of the ions in between the plates gets slowed down (as in the case of fire, smoke slows down the movement of ions), the detector comes into play by detecting a low magnitude of alarm which further activates the alarm system which is in connection with it. As per the research study, Americium-241 is used after baking it into ceramics.

There are various other applications of the alpha decay process which are further used for various real-life applications.


This entire article concluded with some knowledgeable information reading about radioactive decay processes along with the radioactive decay law. It has also explained the alpha decay process, which describes the emission of alpha particles while the conversion of the unstable nucleus into its stable forms. Numerous real-life applications of the alpha decay process have been discussed in which the working of smoke detectors is precisely studied. Other applications of the alpha decay process like the production of nature’s helium, heating devices, medical equipment, the power source in spacecraft, and remote sensing stations have also been mentioned in the given articles. The emission of alpha particles during the alpha decay process interprets and promotes many real-life applications where the liberation of a large amount of energy is required.