Global warming is defined as a gradual rise in the earth’s temperature induced by the greenhouse effect caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other contaminants. The current rise in air and ocean temperatures occurs as a result of human activity, such as the usage of coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as the destruction of forests. Today’s average temperatures are around 1 °C (1.8 °F) higher than they were before humanity began burning a lot of coal around 1750.
Global warming definition
“Global warming is the long-term heating of the Earth’s climate system observed. as a result of human activities, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels, which raises levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere”
Causes of global warming
The following are the global warming causes that are contributing to the climate problem.
Deforestation: Deforestation is the clearing of forest and woodland for the goal of collecting timber or making place for farms or ranches. Because trees and forests convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, when they are cut down, the stored carbon is released into the environment. Natural deforestation can also occur, which has a bigger impact due to the gases emitted by the fire.
Waste: Because of the amount of packaging used and the short life cycle of items, humans are producing more waste than ever before. Many things, garbage, and packaging are not recyclable, so they end up in landfills. When rubbish in landfills decomposes/breaks down, it emits toxic gases into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
Power plants: Power plants use fossil fuels to run, and as a result, they emit a range of pollutants. The pollution they produce ends up not just in the atmosphere but also in the waterways, which contributes significantly to global warming. Coal combustion in power plants accounts for around 46 percent of total carbon emissions.
Industrialization: Industrialization is harmful in numerous ways. The waste generated by this industry is all disposed of in landfills or in our surrounding environment. Chemicals and minerals used in industrialization can damage not just the atmosphere, but also the land beneath it.
Transportation and Vehicles: The majority of transportation is done by vehicles, planes, boats, and trains, practically all of which run on fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon and other pollutants are released into the atmosphere. As a result, transportation contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. With the arrival of electric automobiles, this effect could be mitigated.
Oil and gas: Oil and gas are ubiquitous in practically every business. It is most commonly seen in automobiles, buildings, manufacturing, and the generation of power. When we burn coal, oil, and gases, we contribute significantly to the climate problem. The usage of fossil fuels also poses a hazard to wildlife and the surrounding ecosystem due to the toxicity that destroys plant life and renders areas uninhabitable.
Effects of global warming
Some Effects of global warming are given below:
Temperatures Will Continue to Rise: Because human-caused warming is being superimposed on a naturally changing climate, the rise in temperature has not been and will not be uniform or smooth across the country or over time.
Rising sea levels: As ocean temperatures rise, glaciers and ice caps throughout the planet melt. The volume of water in our oceans grows as ice melts. Warmer temperatures increase the mass of water to expand, causing sea levels to rise and endangering low-lying islands and coastal communities.
More frequent and intense extreme weather events: As a result of global warming, extreme Weather disasters including bushfires, cyclones, droughts, and floods are becoming increasingly frequent and severe.
Oceans are warming and becoming more acidic: The oceans have absorbed the majority of the extra heat and carbon dioxide (CO2) more than the air making the seas both warmer and acidic. Warming oceans are bleaching coral reefs and intensifying storms. Rising ocean acidity threatens shellfish, notably the tiny crustaceans that are essential to marine food networks.
Methods to Prevent Global Warming
Some Methods to Prevent Global Warming are given below:
Switch on a light.
Reduce your driving time.
Increase your recycling efforts.
Cut back on the amount of hot water you use.
Avoid items with a lot of packing.
Think about planting a tree.
In this article we conclude that, when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants accumulate in the atmosphere, they absorb sunlight and solar radiation that has bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space, but impurities in the atmosphere, which can remain for years or centuries, trap the heat and cause the earth to heat up.
Global warming is having an impact all across the planet. Extreme heat waves have killed tens of thousands of people around the world in recent years. In an ominous foreshadowing of things to come, in order to avert the worsening effects of climate change, we need to do a lot more along with other countries to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and transition to sustainable energy sources.