Concerns Regarding the Environment

Almost everyone has a viewpoint on environmental concerns, from politicians to community campaigners. While opinions differ, there is no doubt that the environment has an impact on all of us. We look at topical themes like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity in this book, and explain how you can help keep the planet healthy.

Environmental Issues

Human actions have a negative impact on the Earth as well as its natural systems, which is referred to as an environmental issue. Although natural processes can contribute to climate change, human conduct has resulted in a rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change has been happening since the Industrial Revolution, despite the fact that it is now widely acknowledged.

Climate change impacts everyone, and the consequences may be seen in the form of temperature fluctuations and an increase in the frequency of severe natural catastrophes. It adds to larger issues such as increasing sea levels and the biodiversity loss in our food chains. Furthermore, the negative consequences are expected to disproportionately affect individuals who are already at risk.

Pollution and its impact on public health are another source of worry. According to studies, black carbon makes hazardous bacteria more resistant to antibiotics and makes them tougher to kill. Black carbon also raises the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and lung cancer.

The massive volume of untested chemicals emitted into the air and present in our foods and home products endangers the general welfare of the populace. Lead, methylmercury, and polychlorinated biphenyls were detected in almost 89 percent of children examined in one research. Children, being the society’s future, require a secure and healthy start in life.

Current Environmental Problems

Our ecosystem is beset by a slew of issues, many of which appear to be deteriorating with the passage of time, bringing us closer to a true environmental disaster. As a result, raising awareness of these concerns, and what can be done to mitigate their detrimental effects, is becoming increasingly crucial. The following are a few of the major concerns:

1) Environmental contamination

Toxins including such plastics, heavy metals, and nitrates, as well as toxins and gases generated by factories, fossil fuel burning, acid rain, oil spills, and industrial waste, all contribute to pollution of air, water, and soil.

2) Climate change is a serious problem.

Global warming is caused by human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, which leads to an increase in temperature, which causes rising sea levels, polar ice melting, flash floods, and deserts.

3) Abundance of people

Food, water, and fuel are all in short supply as the world’s population grows, especially in developing countries. Use of chemical fertilisers, herbicides, and insecticides in intensive agriculture, in an attempt to mitigate the problem, paradoxically causes more harm.

4) Elimination of waste

Waste is created in excess and deposited in the oceans. Plastics and electronic garbage, as well as nuclear waste, are extremely hazardous.

5) Acidification of the oceans.

Human-caused increases in carbon dioxide generation raise ocean acidity, which has a deleterious impact on marine life.

6) Biodiversity destruction

As a result of human activities, species or habitats are vanishing. This disrupts natural processes such as pollination, putting ecosystems in jeopardy — coral reefs are particularly vulnerable.

7) Deforestation is a serious problem in many parts of the world.

The removal of trees to make way for residential, industrial, or commercial projects results in less oxygen being created, as well as changes in temperature and rainfall.

8) Destruction of the ozone layer

The ozone layer, which protects the earth from damaging UV radiation, is damaged by pollution created by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) inside the air.

9) Rainfall that is acidic.

Acid rain is caused by pollutants in the air such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which are harmful to humans, wildlife, and aquatic creatures.

10) Concerns for public health

One of the most serious environmental issues today is a lack of pure water. Air pollutants can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

Efforts Addressing Environmental Issues

To address these challenges, various ways have been taken:

Energy that is free of pollutants- Efforts have been undertaken to find fresh, renewable energy sources to reduce pollution or our usage of oil and fossil fuels. Biofuel, hydropower, solar electricity, and wind power are just a few examples.

Programs promoting environmental awareness- Environmental education is one of the most essential components of long-term sustainability. One of the simplest ways of making a difference and lessen your carbon footprint is to learn about the environment and what’s going on.

Conservation of wildlife- Plants, animals, and habitats all contribute to the natural system’s balance. A variety of organisations around the world are interested in animal conservation and emphasise the need of biodiversity investment and protection.

Restorative ecology- Ecological restoration not only aids in environmental recovery, but it also encourages a healthy human-nature relationship. We promote a healthy ecology and better human living conditions by fixing the damage we produce, and we may even make a profit in the process.

Advocacy for policy change can be aided by conducting research. Policy is possibly among the most crucial measures toward a healthy ecosystem. However, good research or advocates to present the facts are required to secure government backing.


People’s views on climate change are significantly linked to their political ideologies; those who are on the left are more likely than those on the right to perceive climate change as a severe problem and believe the government is just doing next to nothing to address it.

The ideological divisions in the United States are the widest of any public poll. When compared with conservative Republicans to liberal Democrats, there are significant disparities between them. Americans’ views on climate change are characterised by political divides. Other publics, on the other hand, exhibit significant ideological differences on climate issues, which is in line with previous Center results.