Biosafety is the primary concern in clinical and biomedical fields worldwide. The need to initiate biosafety and biosecurity standards/measures is expanding because of the conceivable double utilisation of microbial microorganisms and the need to develop mindfulness. Lab-related contamination (LAI) results in sicknesses and lethal results for lab workers. This happens because of carelessness regarding any of the fundamental biosafety controls 1,2,3.
What is Biosafety Level 3?
- Various organisations have contributed to creating rules, morals and biosafety standards. Promoting such research centres is spurred by the need for biosafety and biosecurity.
- Biosafety is accomplished by executing different research facility controls and regulations through lab planning, access limitations, regulation hardware, and developing safe strategies for overseeing the use of dangerous materials in a lab setting.
- Biosecurity restricts admittance to the offices and restricts access to data and research materials.
Classification of BSL – 3
Biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) is crucial for clinical, analytic, instructional, examination, or creation labs. Experiments are performed that might induce deadly infections through inward breath to the scientists and may also affect the climate. It is expected that research centre staff get explicit training in taking control measures while dealing with pathogenic and possibly deadly infections and that this research be regulated by researchers who can work with specialists and related systems. Everything must be closely monitored and performed in the right biological conditions using fitting designing controls.
Biosafety Level 3 Viruses
- The facility that permits scientists to study microorganisms and dangerous species is known as Biosafety level 3.
- These viruses can cause genuine or deadly illnesses through inward breath, like yellow fever, west nile infection, chikungunya, and mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Yellow fever, St. Louis encephalitis, and west nile infection are instances of specialists requiring biosafety level 3 and are considered biosafety level 3 viruses.
- Working with these viruses must be effectively controlled and should take place in fitting government organisations.
Prerequisites for the Construction of Biosafety level – 3
- One of the most essential steps in designing the right control measures is to reach the ideal assessment.
- Research facility conventions should be created to recognise the regions where biosafety can be penetrated or compromised by utilising existing standard working techniques (SOP), authoritative and individual defensive supplies (PPE) control, or designing existing labs.
- This will give data regarding which kind of lab, measured development, or supported concrete cement (RCC) type development would be appropriate for the proposed work.
- While choosing this, the potential obstacles ought to be carefully assessed regarding subsidising, supportability, and labour for overseeing such a lab.
- In both cases choice of site for laying out BSL-3 is significant, and stress should be given on incorporating designing controls, which will be practical and dependable.
Measures to be taken for the Biosafety Level – 3
Fundamental necessities of the BSL-3 research facility include a unidirectional wind stream utilising room pressure angles of negative tension, exhaust air being HEPA (high proficiency particulate air) separated, and appropriate techniques for removal of biomedical waste.
Proportions of garbage removal and emanating sterilisation ought to be kept according to the rules of biosafety of control research centres. The air sent out from the regulation research equipment is gone through HEPA channels, which is facilitated for sifting 300nm air-borne particles with 99.97%. A few measures that are taken include:
- Personnel decontamination
- Solid waste disposal
- Liquid effluents
- Equipment/Worksurfaces
- Glassware
Attributes of Biosafety level -3
- BSL-3 lab with anteroom or workroom as an entrance zone: A BSL-3 office incorporates a two-space office with a section entryway from an entrance interior lab hallway into a waiting room, which can fill in an entrance zone for the BSL-3 research centre of the office.
- Biosafety level-3 research facility with confined hallway as an entrance zone: This model gives admittance to biosafety level 3 spaces straightforwardly from the lab passageway that has been shut to other traffic. The primary entryway is used when entering the passage, and the BSL-3 space starts while going into the rooms. This model is frequently used when many small, separate, BSL-3 logical projects are in execution. This model should be seen as a step towards upgrading existing examination office space to BSL-3 level and diminishing the cost of advancement included.
- Upgraded Biosafety level 3 research centres: In specific cases, it could be important to add a few unique angles which are not determined in the global rules. According to need, this can include incrementing natural insurance utilising HEPA filtration of exhaust air, gushing disinfecting, substance kill tank, staff shower in the evolving region, etc.
- BSL-3 research centre with BSL-2 lab as access zone: This includes extending the anteroom into a functioning BSL-2 lab and giving little BSL-3 modules as an augmentation. This model functions admirably for segregation rooms and few useful research facilities in clinical lab settings.
The need for regulation research centres is growing rapidly in India. This article highlights the steps that should be taken for individuals looking to create layouts for such facilities. This will promote mindfulness about the obligations and responsibilities of various people who are to engage with the foundation of Biosafety level 3 offices. India has no public offices to review and approve Biosafety level 3 research centres. The administration of biosafety programs in such research centres is to be supervised with urgent need. Similarly, there are no public rules or guidelines accessible for the activity and upkeep of BSL-3 research facilities. There is a need to figure out such rules and layouts of offices, which can help oversee biocontainment programs in the country.