Notes on Beekeeping

Lorenzo Langstroth was an American beekeeper, missionary and teacher. He was considered the father of “beekeeping” and created the modern Langströs (bee) hive. In modern beekeeping methods, bees are kept in artificial hives that can be moved. Before 1951, no one knew how lucrative modern beekeeping was. Modern beehives have the advantages of high product yield, good product quality, easy inspection, low or very low cost, and fewer diseases. Modern beekeeping technology also solves the problem of scarcity of honey on the market.

The Modern Beehive

This concept was conceived and invented by Langströs in 1951. This invention turned beekeeping into a successful food business. The industry already employs thousands of people. Making a modern beehive is very easy. Urticaria consists of square boxes; the top and bottom are missing in square cells. These squares are placed one after the other. These cabinets have a bottom and bottom support. A plate called the “crown plate” is placed on top. The frames hang parallel to each other. Combs are made by bees.

The Species Involved in Honey Production

  1. Apis dorsata (rock bee) is a giant bee that produces about 38 to 40 kg of honey/colony.
  2. Apis indica (Indian bee) can be easily domesticated and yields 2 to 5 kg honey/colony.
  3. Apis florea (little bee) stings rarely, so honey extraction from its hive is easy. Its annual honey production is about 1 kg of honey/colony per year.
  4. Apis mellifera (Italian bee) has a typical dance routine to indicate food availability. It also stings less.

Method of Beekeeping

Queens lay thousands of eggs in beehives. Female bees are responsible for feeding and caring for royal jelly larvae. The drone’s job is to fertilise the eggs laid by the queen bee. Worker bees only collect nectar. Here is the method that bees follow:

  1. Swarming: Swarming is the process by which the queen bee joins a large number of worker bees. They fly to thriving areas to start new hives. Swarms are collected in a wicker basket with a lid on top. The collected colonies are then transferred to the hive to form a new colony.
  2. Feeding: Bees are fed syrup by beekeepers. By feeding the syrup, the bees can get to work.
  3. Start the real work: Bees start their work after settling down. Worker bees collect nectar and pollen. Within a few days, the colonies begin to grow and produce honey.

Constituents of Honey

Honey is the main product of apiculture. The composition of honey depends on various factors like flavours, types of flowers, etc. Honey Bees suck the nectar from the flower. Nectar is a normal disaccharide mixed with the saliva of the honeybee to produce fructose/glucose. The composition of honey is given below.


Percentage (%)










Less than 1

Is Beekeeping Profitable?

  • We can get pure organic honey and beeswax, used in industries like cosmetics industries, polishing industries, pharmaceutical industries, etc.
  • It plays a significant role in pollination.
  • The venom of honey bees contains a mixture of proteins that help to destroy HIV.

Uses of Honey

  • Rich in energy and vitamins
  • Preparation of ayurvedic medicines
  • Prevents cold, cough and fever
  • Used in the making of beauty lotions
  • Used in the making of alcoholic drinks, making poison baits
  • Used for making candles and polishes for shoes, furniture, etc.
  • Used in the cosmetic and medical industries
  • Used for coating cheese
  • Blood purifier, laxative, antiseptic and sedative

Challenges Associated with Apiculture

  • Can lead to loss of habitat, agrochemicals, pathogens, and climate change
  • Cheap and inorganic marketing leads to alternatives to bee products.
  • Less knowledge about the practice of beekeeping
  • Confusion about beehive placement
  • Floral sources needed for bees
  • Handling queen bees
  • Getting the first bee colony
  • The health of the bee colony
  • Honey prices and market demand


 Beekeeping is the science of raising bees for honey, wax and poison. It’s a lucrative hobby. When completed on a large scale, it formed a cottage industry.We have been using honey in our daily life since ancient times. Modern beekeeping involves additional care and management of bees to increase honey production and its derivatives. In this modern beekeeping method, the beekeeper’s occupation is to care for the bees and produce bee products such as beeswax, honey, royal jelly, pollen, etc. Modern beekeeping is beneficial to a vast and increasingly populated world.