Micro Propagation

Micropropagation, also known as micro cloning or clonal propagation, is the vegetative propagation of plants through the use of tissue culture techniques, such as cells, tissues, organs, and other organs, to increase the number of plants in a given area. 

The process of regenerating plants from isolated meristematic or somatic cells or tissues is the most basic aspect of the process.Using the culture of the shoot – apices, axillary buds, and meristems – it is possible to produce large quantities of genetically similar and disease-free plants in a short period of time.It is most effective for the large-scale production of crop plants, ornamental plants, medicinal plants, and other plants that are difficult to propagate sexually, such as medicinal plants.

Micropropagation Methods and Techniques

In accordance with the method of engendering used, there are three types of micropropagation procedures: 

First, the propagation from shoots using a 

cytokinin such as benzyladenine or kinetin.

Second, various shoot separations from dedifferentiating tissue, callus, using an auxin-like indole acidic corrosive

Third, the separation of the undeveloped organism from callus.

Stages of Micropropagation

Micropropagation is divided into stages.

There are three phases to the procedure of micropropagation, which is difficult to understand (I, II, and III).

Stage I: 

During this stage, the inception and establishment of a culture in a reasonable medium are completed. 

The identification of suitable explants is critical. 

Explants such as organs, shoot tips, and axillary buds are the most frequently used types of explants. 

Before using the harvested explant, it is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

It is during this stage that the significant movement of micropropagation occurs in a characterised culture medium.

Stage II 

This stage  is characterised by the addition of shoots or the establishment of a rapid incipient organism arrangement from the explant for the most part.

 A development chamber with a temperature range of 20 – 24 degrees Celsius, a light intensity range of 2000 – 4000 lux, and a lighting time of 16 hours or something similar is used.

Stage lll

In this stage, the exchange of shoots is performed in order to allow for rapid advancement into shoots during the next stage. Every now and then, the shoots are legitimately planted in soil to encourage the growth of roots in the soil. Creating shoots in vitro is popular because it allows for the care of a large number of different species.

Advantages Of Micropropagation

  • Because plant tissue is available in limited quantities, micropropagation allows for the rapid production of thousands of clones in a single year using a small amount of plant tissue.
  •  To produce an equivalent number of plants using conventional methods would necessitate a significant financial investment.
  • In contrast to those plant species that have demonstrated resistance to traditional mass propagation methods, the procedure of micropropagation provides a reasonable alternative.
  • It is possible to maintain large numbers of plants in a small space. This aids in the preservation of endangered species as well as the genetic potential of germplasm.
  • The expansion of in vitro stocks should be possible at any time of the year, not just during the winter months. A nursery, on the other hand, can consistently produce natural products, elaborate designs, and tree species.Because micropropagation has different favourable circumstances than traditional strategies for engendering, this strategy has a higher degree of potential and a more promising future in terms of the development of significant plant-based phytopharmaceuticals.
  • The cost of creation is a significant impediment to the widespread use of micropropagation for some plants. For other plants, the use of seeds, which are regularly infection-free and delivered in large numbers, produces plants in large numbers more quickly and at a lower cost.
  • As a result, many plant reproducers do not use micropropagation because the cost is prohibitive for them. 
  • It is used by a variety of raisers to produce stock plants, which are then used for seed augmentation purposes.

 Disadvantages Of Micropropagation

  • The following are some of the disadvantages of micropropagation:
  • The plants that are produced do not have an autotrophic nature.
  • It will not be possible to implement it in all crops.
  • The plants are having difficulty acclimating to their new surroundings.

Difference between Tissue culture and micropropagation

Micropropagation is the process of producing many plants from a small plant part, whereas tissue culture is the step in the micropropagation process in which plant cells are placed in an artificial medium and grown into a large number of individuals.

Micropropagation Of Pomegranate

  • Pomegranate is traditionally propagated by hardwood and softwood cuttings, both of which are available.
  • However, this traditional propagation method has several drawbacks, including low success rates, slow propagation, the need for new plants to be established for a year, and the inability to guarantee disease-free and healthy plants. 
  • Furthermore, this method is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive process19, as previously stated. 
  • So there is tremendous potential for large-scale multiplication of desired genotypes via micropropagation in the coming years. 
  • In vitro propagation has been attempted in a number of pomegranate-growing countries in order to propagate plants of similar type and that are virus-free.


This  technique is frequently used for the propagation of exclusively vegetative species with a low multiplication rate. It is also used for the mass multiplication of superior hybrid varieties as an alternative to seed propagation in some situations. Micropropagation is the most effective method of propagation for dioecious species whose males are considered undesirable for commercial purposes. It is one of the most important applications of tissue culture for commercial plant propagation, and it is also one of the most expensive. 

The commercial multiplication of bananas, apples, strawberries, and pears is currently a very important part of the industry.Flowers such as orchids and other similar plants Clonal propagation is the process of producing genetically identical plants through the use of either the vegetative or sexual methods.