The human ear, like those of other mammals, contains sense organs that serve two distinct functions: hearing and postural balance and coordination of head and eye movements. The ear is divided into three distinct parts: the outer, middle, and inner ear. The visible portion of the ear, known as the auricle or pinna, projects from the side of the head, and the short external auditory canal, the inner end of which is closed by the tympanic membrane, also known as the eardrum. The outer ear’s function is to collect sound waves and direct them to the tympanic membrane. The temporal bone contains a narrow air-filled cavity called the middle ear.
Ear – diagram
The ear is an organ that allows humans to hear and, in mammals, to maintain body balance through the use of the vestibular system. The ear in mammals is typically divided into three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the most visible of these three parts. The pinna and the ear canal are both components of the outer ear. Due to the fact that the outer ear is the only visible portion of the ear in most animals, the term “ear” is frequently used to refer to only the external portion of the ear. The tympanic cavity, as well as the three ossicles, are all located in the middle ear.