Seedling Root Dip

Seedling treatment is the process that includes the application of biological organic substances in seeds. It helps in propagation and pest control. It is a seedling treatment method that helps in the growth of plants during planting. It also coats the root of the plant or tree with a special material called root dip. This root dip is prepared by mixing various organic materials and explaining the root to harvest seeds. Seedling root dip is effectively used in planting and transplanting, germination of seeds, and root formation. The preparation of rice seedlings is done by certain techniques.

Seedling Root Dip

Seedling Root dip can be prepared using various substances like soil, cow manure, mud, and water. Apart from these substances, we can use additives like fermented tea, rooting hormones, mycorrhizae, and water crystals. It also contains mineral elements like iron, calcium, boron, magnesium, sulphur, and manganese.


It comprises steps like cutting, breaking, and sticking. The long roots are cut and broken, and the root dip mix covers the root tip for several hours. This coating will sit for a minimum duration of 24 hours, which allows the root to develop or grow.

Roots to Harvest Seeds

The roots to harvest seeds are harvested after methods like drying, extracting, and conditioning. The plants are cut and hung inside pouch-like things to dry. Drying is an important step in harvesting. The seeds are harvested and extracted using the threshing machine. The threshing machines beat, roll, and flail, helping the seeds separate from the debris of the plants and roots. There is also another process, termed conditioning, where the seeds are separated based on their size, density, and shape.


How to Prepare Rice Seedlings

We can discuss how to prepare rice seedlings through various steps. The property needed for the nursery area must cover a minimum of 20 cents. This will be enough to raise rice seedlings for one hectare of land.


The seeds can be treated using various materials. The initial soaking procedure is explained below.

Preparation of Rice Seedlings

We can use 2 g/l of water (for 1 kg seeds). The seeds are soaked in water for 10 hours. 

The excess water is drained. We need to find a solution using Pyroquilon, Carbendazin, Tricyclazone, which can help the seeds fight the blast disease for one month. This is called a wet seed treatment.


Then, we need to treat the seeds with Pseudomonas fluorescens. The seed is allowed to soak in this solution for one day, and the excess water is drained. After this, the seeds are allowed to sprout and sow.


The next step is the treatment with Azospirillum. The seeds are soaked with solutions with Phosphobacteria, Azospirillum, and Azophos. These solutions are called bio inoculants. After this process, it is mixed with the biocontrol agents, biofertilisers or fungicides, and biocontrol agents.


The seedlings are sowed in the nursery bed. Then, organic manure, such as green leaf manure or compost, are applied. In addition, we need to apply biofertilisers like Azola, Azospirillum, and Phosphobacteria.


The weeds can be managed by adding safener and pretilachlor.

Harvesting of Rice Seedlings

The first step involved is to drain the excess water from the field. It should be done 7 to 10 days before the harvest date. When the crops turn the colour of straw and the leaves still remain green, we know it is ready to harvest. Then, we should test the mature crop and try to dehusk the rice grains. We must dry the grains to certain moisture levels. Spraying sodium chloride solution will fasten its maturity before harvest. This can be used in times of monsoon rains.


Uses of Root Dip

  • Seedling root dip helps in planting trees and shrubs. While planting, if we are coating the long roots with root dip, it will help in growth and act as a mould.
  • It helps in transplanting. When transferring plants from one place to another, to reduce transplantation shock, the root dip technique can be used.
  • It helps crops fight the fungus rotting and increases their disease resistance power.


The seedling treatment method, seedling root dip, helps in the growth of plants during planting and transplanting. It is also the method that will coat the root of a plant or tree with a special material called root dip. Root dip mix is made up of various substances like soil, cow manure, mud, and water. The roots to harvest seeds are harvested after methods like drying, extracting, and conditioning. Rice seedlings can be prepared by various methods, including wet seed treatment and treatment of chemicals, bio inoculants and bio-fertilisers, and other substances. The preparation of rice seedlings is done by certain techniques like wet seed treatment.