Floral Formula of Hibiscus

The Floral Formula of Hibiscus or also known as China rose is an angiosperm that belongs to the family of Malvaceae. Hibiscus or china rose is very widely seen Mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and also it is a cultivated plant. 

There are a few Hibiscus uses or china rose is used primarily as an ornamental plant and flower used mainly for religious purposes and also used as a tea in many parts of the world. The Malvaceae family includes some other types of plants such as cotton, lady’s finger, mallow, etc.

This Malvaceae family is also known by the name the mallow family. The main function of any Floral Formulas is that they are used to know any description of each plant and its both physical and chemical features. A numerical and symbolic representation of the morphological features present on the flower is what we term a floral formula. 

The floral formula depicts the different floral characteristics and structures which make up a complete flower. The floral formula of hibiscus can be written in the form as follows- 

Br Brl ⊕ ⚥ K(5) C5 A(∞) G(5).

The Characteristic Features of the Malvaceae Family (hibiscus or china rose)

The Characteristic Features of the Malvaceae Family include:

  • These types of Flowers are either epicalyx or bracteoles.

  • The androecium consists of numerous stamens that are all together fused into a single looking tube-like structure that exhibits monadelphous condition 

  • The Anthers of these flowers are uniform and monotonous. The staminal tube encloses the gynoecium.

  • The gynoecium possesses properties like multicarpellary, syncarpous, and multilocular, and is also attached to the superior ovary and axile placentation.

  • The flowers of this family comprise flowers that are brightly colored and have extrafloral nectaries due to the phenomenon of entomophilous pollination.

  • Pollen grains are large and spherical in structure, which is spiny, and together with monothecous anthers which form one of the distinguishing characteristics of the family The numerous stamens are supposed to have arisen by multiplication of five epipetalous members.

  • Herbaceous or Malva and woody or Hibiscus are the words from where the family name is depicted, it is branched, erect or spreading (Sida, Malva parviflora) pubescent with stellate hairs.

The Economic Importance of the Hibiscus Flower. 

Floral Formula of hibiscus or china rose is one of the most important subjects in the study of plants and flowers and also to understand the type and characteristics of a plant, there are an always a large number of questions which are asked from this particular topic, so providing information and knowledge on this topic is necessary so that students have a good command of the topic. 

The flowers as well as the other parts of the plant are majorly used to make medicine. People look for hibiscus uses for health conditions such as high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, it also helps in increasing the production of breast milk, reduces infections, and many other conditions, but sadly there is only a little scientific evidence to support most of these uses.

Also, what are the benefits of hibiscus needed for hair? It helps in controlling hair loss. There’s a good reason that you should adapt hibiscus uses if you are suffering from hair fall. As it is said that hibiscus or china rose is Rich in vitamin C and amino acids, the flowers miraculously improve the blood circulation under your scalp to stimulate the formation of healthy hair growth. 

Due to this reason, a lot of people make their hair growth oil using hibiscus petals. Other than that any leaves, roots, or flowers of any plant comprise various medicinal properties in them. Similarly, the leaves and calyces of this Malvaceae plant have been used as food, and the flowers are steeped for tea. Hibiscus or china rose has been used in folk medicine as a diuretic and mild laxative, as well as it is known that hibiscus flowers also help in treating cancer and cardiac and nerve diseases.

Constituents of the floral formula of hibiscus

The floral formula of hibiscus is written in the form as follows- Br Brl ⊕ ⚥ K(5) C5 A(∞) G(5). In this formula, every symbol and number has been appointed a specific meaning and characteristics to it. 

For example, 

Br symbolises that the hibiscus is a bracteate flower, and Brl also symbolises that the hibiscus is also a bracteate flower.

⊕ this sign symbolises that hibiscus is an Actinomorphic flower.Actinomorphic flowers are those flowers that consist of radial symmetry in them. 

⚥ symbolizes the fact that the china rose is a bisexual flower having both androecium and gynoecium. 

K(5), K stands as a term for the calyx whorl of flowers. The total number of five sepals in the calyx whorl symbolises K in K(5). The gamosepalous condition is represented by the brackets given here. This bracket means that all the sepals are now fused into a tube-like structure, 

C5 symbolises the corolla whorl consists of five free petals in a state known as polypetalous.  

A(∞) represents the androecium whorl of the flower.


There are a huge number of stamens present in the hibiscus fused into a single tube (monadelphous condition) which is attached to the petals (epipetalous). The attaching line from C5 to A(∞) describes the epipetalous condition of the flower. The gynoecium whorl of the flower is represented by G(5) where 5 is representing 5 fused carpels. The line drawn below G represents superior ovary or hypogynous condition. The floral formula of hibiscus is very helpful in depicting the floral morphological characters of the flower.