Coccus, plural Cocci, is a spherical bacterium investigated in microbiology. Numerous bacteria species have diverse configurations that might be utilized to differentiate them. Diplococci are a kind of cocci that are found in pairs. Streptococci are rows or chains of such cells; streptococci are bacteria. Staphylococci are clusters of cells that resemble grapes. Doulae are packets of eight or more cells that are connected together. Similarly, tetrads are groupings of four cocci that are organised in a square pattern. These distinct groupings of bacteria are produced as a result of alterations in the reproductive process.
Cocci or Coccus
Most bacteria are spherical, circular, or ovoid in form in general. Spirochetes (spiral-shaped) cells, Cocci (spherical-shaped) cells, and Bacillus (rod-shaped) cells are the three types of bacteria that are classified according to their forms.
Structure of Cocci
The structure of cocci can differ between bacterial wall types that are gram-negative and those that are gram-positive. Furthermore, the cell development of cocci might differ between gram-negative (thin peptidoglycan layer) and gram-positive (thick peptidoglycan layer) (thick peptidoglycan layers). Cocci, on the other hand, can be harmful, symbiotic, or commensal, meaning that they live on the body of the creature that they infect.
Types of Cocci
Rod Bacteria vs Coccus Bacteria
Cylindrical or rod-shaped bacteria (bacillus) are the most common type of rod bacteria. The coccus, on the other hand, has a round or spherical form. Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) and Escherichia coli are two rod bacteria that have been studied (E. coli).
- A broad range of bacteria known as Coli may be found in the environment, food and the intestinal tracts of both animals and humans. Although the vast majority of E. coli strains are safe, some, on the other hand, can cause urinary tract infections, diarrhoea, pneumonia, and lung sickness, among other things.
- Bacillus subtilis, on the other hand, is a ubiquitous bacteria that we usually encounter in areas of soil, groundwater, and air. They are neither pathogenic or poisonous to the environment, and they pose no threat to humans, plants, or animals. Furthermore, several strains of B. Subtilis have been approved for use as microbial insecticides.
Gram-Negative VS Gram-Positive
- If you have ever heard of bacteria being classified as gram-negative or gram-positive, it simply refers to the bacterial organism’s protective outer layer, which is referred to as a membrane.
- Gram-positive bacteria, on the other hand, have big and thick membranes, whereas gram-negative bacteria have thin membranes that are difficult to penetrate. Furthermore, because of this characteristic of gram-negative bacteria, they are overwhelmingly resistant to antibiotics.
Diplococcus Bacteria
Their arrangement in pairs indicates that two cocculus cells are related to one another. Furthermore, they can be classified as either gram-negative or gram-positive. Additionally, they can cause Pneumonia (Diplococcus pneumonia), Meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis), and Gonorrhea (Neisseria meningitidis) as well as other diseases (Neisseria gonorrhoeae).
Streptococcus Bacteria
Streptococcus Streptococci or bacteria are grouped in rows or chains, depending on their size. It’s also possible to change the length of the chain or row, as well. Furthermore, a large number of them are hemolytic, which indicates that they destroy the red blood cells within the body. Furthermore, they are gram-positive bacteria that may cause a variety of diseases such as scarlet fever, erysipelas (a skin ailment), pneumonia, rheumatic fever, tooth decay, and strep throat, among others.
Staphylococcus Bacteria
Staphylococci bacteria form clusters of cells that resemble grape clusters. Furthermore, they are non-motile, have a high salt tolerance, and are gram-positive bacteria. Their development is also typical in mucosal membranes and the skin. Moreover, When introduced into generally sterile places in the body, they might, nevertheless, cause sickness to the host. Furthermore, they are capable of causing wound infections, toxic shock syndrome, abscesses, and the most prevalent form of food poisoning, among other things.
Enterococcus Bacteria
They are grouped in short chains or pairs and are referred to as enterococci when they are in this state. Furthermore, they are non-motile, gram-positive, and have the ability to colonise the enteric nervous system, among other things. Also noteworthy is their low risk of transmitting disease to others. The infection of the urinary tract, wounds, or other organs can result from bacteremia (the presence of bacteria in the blood).
Furthermore, Cocci, often known as Cocus, is a bacterium that includes several species such as streptococci and staphylococci. Furthermore, depending on the attachment and direction of the cells during cell division, they might develop in pairs, clusters, or even chains. Furthermore, they lack flagella and are hence non-motile.